VASER Lipo for the Flanks

Flanks or love handles are one of the common areas for fat accumulation in men. Caused due to certain factors such as weight gain, hormonal changes, aging, genetics and pregnancy, this stubborn, unwanted fat usually fails to respond to even strenuous diets and exercise.

If you are looking for a minimally-invasive way to get rid of this stubborn fat from flanks, consider undergoing VASER liposuction.

bodySCULPT® offers VASER ultrasound liposuction for men. This advanced minimally-invasive modality utilizes ultrasound to break down fat for easy removal.

Our plastic surgeons – Dr. Christopher T Chia and Spero J Theodorou are experienced in performing hi-definition body sculpting with VASERlipo. By precisely targeting and removing superficial, deep fat around the muscle groups, VASERlipo enhances the underlying musculature, providing well-defined abs or the dream six-pack.

Watch the video of Dr Chia performing flanks VASER liposuction on a male patient at bodySCULPT® in NYC.

At bodySCULPT®, we ensure personalized care and support. Our 3D imaging facility allows you to preview the proposed outcome and provide feedback, so that changes can be made to the surgical plan to meet your goals.