Can another Fat Transfer Procedure Be Performed Along With a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Fat TransferThe Brazilian butt lift (BBL) has become a popular option for women looking to improve the shape and size of the derriere without implants. This procedure uses the candidate’s own fat from other areas to enhance the size and curvature of the posterior. Skilled surgeons can provide attractive outcomes with a natural look and feel.

In plastic surgery, fat grafting is used to enhance areas that may lack volume such as face, hands, breasts or buttocks. It is a safe procedure which produces long-lasting, natural-looking results. Fat transfer is the ideal option to improve facial areas that appear wrinkled and gaunt, to achieve more permanent improvements than that offered by temporary fillers, and to improve body contour.

The Brazilian butt augmentation procedure involves removing fat from donor site via liposuction, processing and purifying it, and then injecting it into the buttocks to produce the desired results. Plastic surgeons in New York receive many questions about the treatment. One is whether it is possible to have another fat grafting procedure along with Brazilian butt lift in NYC. The answer, say these experts, is yes. According to them, this is a straightforward combination procedure. While BBL is generally done using traditional anesthesia methods, fat transfers to the butt and lips also may be done under local anesthesia under certain circumstances. As the procedure of harvesting fat and injecting it elsewhere is the same for any site, two procedures such as butt and lip augmentation can be performed at the same time.

A fat transfer procedure offers many benefits:

  • No implant related risks
  • Less chance of allergic reactions to foreign substances
  • Natural, long lasting and safe outcomes
  • Minimal side effects and downtime
  • Minimal scarring and discomfort
  • Consistency of the skin is soft
  • Fast recovery

However, if you want to undergo a combination fat transfer procedure, you should consult a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon specialized in the treatment. The surgeon will assess your goals and expectations and more importantly, and anatomical considerations, and determine if you are a good candidate for the procedures.

Every year, plastic surgeons successfully perform fat grafting procedures and help patients achieve their cosmetic goals. According to the annual Plastic Surgery Report of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 14,705 buttock augmentation with fat grafting procedures were performed in 2015, up 28 percent from 2014.