Common Myths and Facts about Liposuction

LiposuctionBody contouring in NYC is the way to go when you want to achieve that trim, attractive appearance. The treatment removes stubborn fat pockets that are resistant to even strenuous diets and exercises. According to American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), 17.1 million cosmetic procedures (both surgical and minimally invasive procedures) were performed in the U.S. in 2016. Liposuction was one of the topmost procedures performed last year with around 235,000 procedures.

Though liposuction is such a popular cosmetic surgical procedure, there are many myths surrounding it. Here are some common misconceptions debunked:

Myth 1 – It is a Weight Loss Procedure: Liposuction is not a weight loss solution. It is meant to remove excess fat that does not respond to diet and exercise. The best liposuction candidate is someone at a fairly stable weight with stubborn far deposits and not obese.
Myth 2 – It is only for Women: Though women made up a larger proportion of the patients, the male market has been growing rapidly in recent years. Women usually want to have fat removed from their hips, thighs and abdomens, whereas men tend to focus on the chin, flanks, and lower abdomens. They also have hi-def procedures to achieve six-pack abs.
Myth 3 – Fat comes back After Liposuction: The fat will not return if patients maintain their weight after the treatment. If you do gain a considerable amount of weight (i.e., 10% of your body weight); new fat cells can appear in all areas of the body, including treated areas.
Myth 4 – It gets rid of Cellulite and Sagging Skin: Lipolysis does not remove cellulite; it just removes deep fat beneath skin. The American Academy of Dermatology warns that liposuction may actually worsen the appearance of cellulite by creating more depressions in the skin. Expert surgeons can prevent such issues. While traditional liposuction gets rid of stubborn fat, new minimally-invasive technologies can address such fat and also tighten the skin.
Myth 5 – It is a Substitute for Diet and Exercise: There is no substitute for diet and exercise when it comes to staying healthy and losing weight. In fact, surgeons advise patients to stabilize their weight before surgery with a good diet and exercise regimen. As noted earlier, a healthy lifestyle is crucial to maintain your liposuction results after your surgery.

In New York City, liposuction is performed by expert surgeons in AAAASF accredited plastic surgery centers. Skilled liposuction surgeons use the latest technology to remove excess fat and sculpt the body, providing attractive results that can enhance your confidence and self-esteem.