Demand for Arm Lift Procedures on the Rise Since 2000

Arms are one of those hard-to-treat fat spots that don’t easily yield to rigorous workout sessions and dieting. Women desire shapely upper arms that would look good in sleeveless outfits. Excess fat and skin in the upper arm region that refuses to go with strict diet and exercise measures can be removed via arm lift cosmetic surgery. With the increasing advancements in plastic and cosmetic surgery techniques and technologies, the demand for such procedures is on the rise. Interestingly, the latest annual statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) has noted a huge increase in the demand for the treatment over the past decade. The 2013 statistics revealed a 4,565% increase in demand since 2000.

Brachioplasty for Beautifully Contoured Arms

Heredity, aging and considerable weight loss can cause the skin in the upper arm to sag giving an unfit look. Arm lift is ideal for people with considerable fat and skin laxity in their upper arm. A skilled and experienced surgeon can efficiently remove the subcutaneous tissue and skin from the upper arm area and contour the arms. With advanced brachioplasty or upper arm lift procedure incorporating the latest technologies, you can achieve the sculpted arms of your dreams and need no longer hide them in long sleeves. The possibilities of liposuction are utilized to safely remove excess fat and skin between the arm and the elbow. The area is then sculpted for a better contour and smoother skin.

More Interest to Seek and Undergo Upper Arm Lift

The sleeveless fashions of women and the emphasis given to strong-armed celebrities might have contributed to this rise in demand of the upper arm lift procedure. When nearly 300 women underwent it in 2000, the figures showed that more than 15000 procedures were performed last year. This is a clear indication that people are not just staying happy with their body profile, but taking real effort to get to know about the options available that can improve their looks and lifestyle.