Preparing for Your Facelift Surgery

A facelift or rhytidectomy involves lifting the facial skin, tissues and muscles. The procedure can improve visible signs of aging in the face and neck, and enhance facial contour and profile. Careful preparation is necessary for any plastic surgery procedure and a facelift is no exception.

If you are considering rhytidectomy, the first step should be to schedule a consultation with a plastic surgeon experienced in performing the procedure. During the consultation, the surgeon will assess your medical history and perform a thorough examination of your face, with attention to your skin elasticity, bone structure and severity of wrinkles and folds. The right plastic surgeon will discuss your cosmetic goals as well as the benefits and risks involved.

Make sure to have realistic expectations on the result of the procedure. This cosmetic plastic surgery does not change your fundamental appearance and cannot stop the aging process.

Key Considerations for Preparing for Facelift Surgery

It’s important to adhere to your surgeon’s pre-op instructions. Below are additional items you should consider when preparing for your facelift surgery.

  • Evaluate before and after photos: Make sure to look at before and after facelift photos of former patients before undergoing the surgery. This will give you an idea about the surgeon’s skill.
  • Anesthesia: Plastic surgeons may use local or general anesthesia for surgery. Local anesthesia provides less chance of postoperative nausea. Ask your surgeon about the type of anesthesia he will use in your case and why.
  • Follow medication directions: Your physician will most likely instruct you to avoid blood thinners, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements one week prior to the surgery as these can increase bleeding.
  • Assess the risks involved: Every surgery has certain risks involved in it. Be prepared to discuss the possible risks and complications involved in the procedure with your surgeon. Rare complications may include bleeding, infection and wound healing problems.
  • Stop smoking: Your surgeon will advise you to stop smoking at least 2 weeks prior to facial cosmetic surgery as smoking may negatively impact the healing process.
  • Weight reduction: If you are overweight, try to cut down some pounds and achieve a weight that you are comfortable with. Maintaining a stable body weight can improve the outcome of the surgery.
  • Arrange for help during recovery: If your facelift is performed on an outpatient basis, you should arrange someone to drive you home after your surgery and stay with you for at least the night following surgery.

There are different types of facelift options such as full facelift, mid facelift, neck lift, brow lift and eyelid surgery. Your surgeon will recommend the procedure or procedures that are most needed to address your specific issues.

Expert surgeons in AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practices provide customized facelift surgery with safe and efficient advanced technologies such as BodyTite radiofrequency liposuctionâ„¢. With the right surgeon, men and women can enjoy superior results and quicker recovery with minimal complications.