Studies Highlight Emotional Benefits of Body Contouring

People who lose a lot of weight find that the fat is gone but sagging skin remains, which leaves them still dissatisfied with the way they look. That’s why most individuals who have gone through massive weight loss are undergoing body contouring procedures to remove the loose skin. Removing the excess tissue makes them fit better in their clothes. A recent study notes that in addition to improving physical appearance, post-weight loss body sculpting treatment can have emotional benefits too.

According to the study published in recently in the Journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery®, patients who have body contouring surgery may enjoy improved physical quality of life, but not improved mental quality of life. The researchers concluded that if these patients underwent body contouring procedures, it could improve “aspects of depression and anxiety”. Procedures performed included upper and lower body lift, arm lift, thigh lift and tummy tuck, and were in many cases, supplemented with liposuction.

Another study suggested that body contouring surgery post weight loss should be regarded as reconstructive rather than cosmetic, which means that it was likely to be covered by health insurance. This would also help those individuals who choose not to have a body contouring procedure because of the cost involved.

Leading plastic surgeons agree with the conclusions of these studies that highlight the psychological improvements of body contouring after bariatric surgery. NBC News reported that patients who had weight loss surgery said that the loose skin which hung down from the abdomen chafed and hurt. Body contouring stopped the pain. According to a leading cosmetic surgeon, when the patients felt better physically, they felt better emotionally and psychologically too.

The emotional benefits of popular aesthetic procedures such as breast reduction surgery for men and women and mommy makeovers are also well known. There is little doubt that the emotional factor is becoming increasingly important in explaining the rising demand for cosmetic surgery.