Tighten Sagging Skin with BodyTite™

BodyTite Liposuction Surgery in NYCBodyTite™ uses radio-frequency assisted liposuction (RFAL) to tighten sagging skin. This minimally invasive procedure is proven to provide effective fat removal and cellulite reduction with noticeable skin tightening effects. It can provide 40% more skin tightening than traditional liposuction treatment. A young, healthy person with good quality skin may experience good skin contraction after the procedure.

There had always been the need for a device that tightens the skin without invasive surgery. The BodyTite™ device was invented to meet this requirement. In addition to addressing excess fat that does not respond to diet and exercise, it also tightens the skin significantly. This device has two probes that work simultaneously. One works beneath the skin, heating the entire soft-tissue matrix and melting the fat via the temperature controlled radio-frequency technology. The second probe simultaneously aspirates the liquefied fat and coagulates the adipose, fibrous, and vascular tissue. The heat generated helps tighten the skin quickly and coagulates the tissues, allowing the plastic surgeon to sculpt the body to the ideal shape.

Replying to a patient’s question on the RealSelf column, an expert NYC plastic surgeon noted that as the name implies, BodyTite™ works well for skin tightening as it melts fat and causes skin retraction “more than any other device out there”. A recent Reader’s Digest (RD) article highlights the benefits of radiofrequency (RF) energy as an effective skin tightening option for the neck, jowls and body.

BodyTite liposuction procedure opens a door for people who don’t want to undergo conventional body contouring surgery. This breakthrough body remodeling procedure is minimally invasive and carried out under local anesthesia. The key benefits of this procedure are:

  • Minimally invasive
  • Requires only local anesthesia
  • Significant fat reduction and body firming
  • Reduced surgical trauma
  • Less downtime, treatment does not require overnight stay
  • Quick healing and less scarring
  • The effect is strengthened and stabilized within a few weeks

Results are patient specific and depend on the treatment area and amount of fat removed. Larger areas will require a longer recovery time. Initial results can be seen immediately after the procedure, with the best results noticeable after 6-12 weeks.

If you want to have BodyTite liposuction in NYC, choose an AAAASF accredited plastic surgery practice with surgeons who are experts in performing the procedure. The success of BodyTite liposuction treatment largely depends on having it performed by a well-trained and experienced plastic surgeon.