What is the Recommended Age for Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery?

Brazilian Butt Lift SurgeryBrazilian butt lift (BBL) is one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures in New York City. The procedure helps women to achieve a well shaped derriere using their own fat.  The most frequently asked question regarding candidature is about the recommended age for the treatment.  A leading plastic surgeon in NYC reports that he was asked if 18 years is too young for a BBL. Here are the facts:

  • Brazilian butt surgery is an elective procedure and elective cosmetic surgery is done on patients that are 18 years or older.
  • Puberty ends at different ages for different people and a teenager’s body may continue to change till full development is attained. Operating on a feature that is not fully developed can interfere with its growth and also affect the results in later years.
  • A young woman’s perceptions about her body may change over time. Plastic surgeons assess the patient’s emotional maturity and expectations to determine if they are good candidates for the treatment.
  • The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery says that teens and their parents should fully understand the risks of surgery as well as postoperative restrictions on activity and typical recovery times.

Plastic surgeons also stress that only healthy patients can undergo cosmetic surgery including the BBL. Moreover, the right candidate would have fat to spare in other areas for transfer to the buttocks. Typical donor sites include the abdomen, hips, and thighs. The treatment involves extracting fat via liposuction and injecting it into the buttock to enhance size and shape.

The key to determining if you are a good candidate for Brazilian butt augmentation is to obtain a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon in NYC. If the surgeon performs the procedure in an ambulatory or office-based facility, make sure the facility is accredited. The right surgeon will provide satisfactory answers to your questions. He will perform a physical evaluation to determine if you have enough fat to produce good results.