8 Tips to Maintain Your Facelift Results

Facelift can improve visible signs of aging in the face and neck such as mid-face sagging, lower eyelids creases, creases along the nose extending to the corner of the mouth (nasolabial folds), facial fat, jowls developing in the cheeks and jaw, and double chin. Facelift in NYC is performed using minimally-invasive and surgical techniques. This procedure can take years off your appearance by eliminating facial creases, folds, wrinkles and sagging skin. After the treatment, it is essential to take care of your skin to enjoy the results for long.Facelift
Here are 8 tips that will help prolong your facelift results.

  1. Wear sunscreen – Sun exposure is considered to be the number one cause of signs of aging, as UV rays from the sun break down collagen and elastin in the skin, accelerating the appearance of lines, wrinkles and sagging skin. This can compromise your facelift results. So when you go outside for more than a few minutes, wear a hat and sunscreen. Use a daily moisturizer that has an SPF (Sun Protection Factor) to protect from even the most mundane daily sun exposure.
  2. Stay hydrated – Drink at least eight glasses of water daily. In fact, drinking water is good for all your body systems, including your skin. It will help keep your face healthy at a deep, cellular level.
  3. Eat a healthy, balanced diet – Eating fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains can have a positive impact on the way your skin looks and feels while helping to ward off skin aging. In fact, limiting or eliminating the wrong foods from your diet is as important as eating the right foods. For instance, sugar acts as an enemy of any anti-aging efforts, as it triggers a chemical process called glycation. Sugar molecules damage proteins, lipids and other important molecules necessary for optimum skin health during the process.
  4. Don’t smoke – Smoking can make you look old. It is responsible for creating wrinkles around the mouth (from puckering to inhale) and around the eyes (from squinting against the smoke). To maintain the facelift results longer, it is essential to avoid smoking.
  5. Maintain your ideal weight – Sudden weight loss or weight gain will cause the skin’s elasticity to fade, even in the face. In the course of time,the skin will start to sag, losing the tightness you gained from the facelift. Your doctor may advise you to achieve your ideal weight before the surgery and you will have to maintain that afterwards.
  6. Use the right topical skin care products – Using the right skin care products for your skin type and concerns will help maintain the facelift results for long. Medical-grade skin care products that contain ingredients like retinoids, peptides and antioxidants can all be beneficial for brightening and smoothing the skin.
  7. Cosmetic treatments – Cosmetic treatments can complement the results of your facelift surgery by acting as an extension of your regular daily skin care regimen. Some of the popular cosmetic treatments include photofacials, chemical peels and laser resurfacing. For instance, laser resurfacing treatments gently remove the outer layer of skin to reveal the smoother, more youthful-looking skin cells beneath.
  8. Choose an Experienced surgeon – Make sure that the surgeon you choose has extensive experience in performing the procedure. A reliable surgeon will work closely with you to determine which technique is best for you after conducting a detailed assessment of your concerns as well as physiological considerations such as the amount of facial fat, degree of sun damage, quality and thickness of skin, extent of skin laxity, and condition of the neck and jowls. Undergoing the procedure in an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery is the best way to ensure a safe and successful outcome.