Abdominal Etching: What to Expect after the Procedure

Are you struggling to enhance the appearance of your waistline or create six-pack abs with diet and exercises? A great option to consider could be abdominal etching, a special liposuction technique that creates chiselled abs or a “washboard stomach” by sculpting abdominal fat. Provided in New York plastic surgery practices as a body sculpting procedure, abdominal etching is a feasible option for those who want a sculpted body with excellent muscle definition but cannot achieve it with a good diet and exercise regimen. However, many patients may be concerned about what to expect after abdominal etching.

Abdominal Etching

Being a safe and effective option, both men and women can expect to achieve an ideal abdominal contour. Plastic surgeons in New York City use power-assisted liposuction modalities such as Smartlipo Triplex, VASER Lipo and BodyTite to suction the fat and define the patient’s natural abdominal lines. By precisely sculpting the abdominal fat in both the superficial and deeper layers, this liposuction technique provides the natural “six-pack” lines in men and a chiseled but softer look in women.

According to healthline, abdominal etching claims to produce permanent results, with some caveats. Weight gain and pregnancy after the procedure may interfere with the procedure results. Also, due to the natural aging process of your body, eventually your abs might not be as defined and visible as they are right after the procedure. Other than these concerns, patients who have undergone this procedure are pleased with their results.

Healthline reports that “as of 2019, there were only three published reports that follow the results of people who had abdominal etching. The sample sizes for these studies were small, but those who participated did report being pleased with the results of the procedure”.

Similarly, from another 2019 study of 50 people who had abdominal etching, 98 percent of participants were satisfied with the results 27 months after the procedure.

Patients who undergo abdominal etching using power-assisted liposuction modalities can expect a speedy recovery. Most patients are back to their normal activities in 24-48 hours after the procedure. Some minor swelling is to be expected, which is completely normal and will subside soon. Your surgeon may recommend of wearing a compression garment for few weeks post-op to help reduce bleeding and swelling, and minimize the fluid accumulation that can occur in the body after surgery.

Though the procedure is minimally-invasive, heavy activities have to be avoided – such as crunches and planks. Patients most likely are able to resume most of their normal activities 2 weeks after abdominal etching. One study reported that you can resume exercise as quickly as 5 days post-surgery, but that advice may vary according to your specific procedure (healthline.com).

The final results of the procedure will become visible once the body has healed completely, usually in about six months. As the swelling subsides and your skin begins to adhere to its new shape, you should be able to see a more defined abs with a tighter, toned-looking midsection. Sticking to a healthy lifestyle is important to maintain your outcomes.

Most importantly, to achieve these attractive results, patients need to be ideal candidates for abdominal etching. One of the important criteria is being healthy and having a moderate amount of abdominal fat and strong underlying muscles. According to one study, the best results of abdominal etching are seen on patients who exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet, but have “certain resistant areas of fat” that make it difficult to achieve the abdominal muscle definition they desire.

If you are considering abdominal etching, choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice that offers the service of plastic surgeons with extensive experience in performing hi-definition liposuction procedures. Such surgeons can provide you with safe and effective treatment. Moreover, in a reliable practice, the surgeon will evaluate your anatomy and provide individualized treatment to help you achieve the desired muscular definition.