Advanced Techniques and Approaches for Male Breast Reduction after Weight Loss

Male Breast ReductionMen who have aesthetic and emotional concerns related to gynecomastia after significant weight loss are offered innovative male breast reduction in NYC plastic surgery practices. With redundant skin, tissue, and fat, such men need longer incisions and more contouring when performing the treatment. The surgeons who are skilled in the procedure would position the scars discreetly to help achieve a masculine and natural-looking chest.

A typical gynecomastia surgery procedure makes use of U-shaped incision within the lower border of the areola but only those with young, elastic skin can reap the utmost benefits. However, men after extreme weight loss will have to consider a more detailed approach, which in most cases is an anchor reduction technique. In this approach, the incisions would go around the areola’s border, vertically down to the infra-mammary fold, and within the breast crease which results in an inverted T-shaped scar.

The scars would appear red in a few months and are expected to continue to improve within a year. When a few men may develop hypertrophic or keloid scars, some risk factors such as wound tension and infection can be controlled. According to, plastic surgeons are using quality techniques to assure good healing and favorable scarring. This includes proper wound closure such as deep suturing technique to reduce tension on the skin. Some may even use steri-strips to support and protect the incision site. The other methods that are used to promote fine scars include scar massage, steroid injection, laser treatments, and surgical scar revision.

Choose an established plastic surgery practice in NYC to benefit from personalized solutions for male chest reduction. They would use the most modern technologies such as BodyTite RFAL (radio frequency assisted liposuction) device or the Smartlipo Triplex laser liposuction device to perform the procedure. Skilled and experienced plastic surgeons take effort to understand the actual concerns, goals and expectations of their patients and offer customized approaches such as new ‘Boomerang’ technique to address male breasts. They are often performed as part of comprehensive body contouring surgery and involve making a series of opposing elliptical excisions to remove excess skin. The tight skin closure would reveal superficial muscular bulk and provide for a more masculine body contour.