Are the Results of Male Breast Reduction Permanent?

Gynecomastia or overly developed male breasts is a common condition affecting men of all ages – adolescents as well as in middle-aged and older men. Most boys tend to experience some changes to their breasts during puberty, which typically resolves in 2 or 3 years. The condition can cause physiological (embarrassment and social anxiety) and neck, shoulder and back pain. Though diet and exercise might help in addressing excess fat to a certain extent, getting male breast reduction in Manhattan can provide a long-lasting solution to this concern. Gynecomastia treatment is a viable option for men to achieve a natural looking chest and feel better about their appearance. However, many patients want to know if the results of male breast reduction permanent or whether the breasts will grow back after the treatment.

Male Breast Reduction

Experts says that when performed correctly on the right candidate, the results of the male breast reduction in NYC should be almost permanent as the tissue removed will not come back on their own. There are no chances of recurrence as the fat and the glandular tissues, which are the root causes are removed. Removing most of the breast tissue should be a permanent solution in most cases. However, lifestyle after the surgery and other factors could play a major role in causing breast tissue overgrowth to recur. These factors include:

  • Post-operative weight gain
  • Use of certain medications – such as anabolic steroids or androgens
  • Use of street drugs and alcohol
  • Medical conditions – such as liver and kidney disease, thyroid disease, hormonally active tumors, and Klinefelter’s syndrome
  • Stress

Another common reason why gynecomastia could come back is because the fat was not properly removed the first time. If there is still fat and a small amount of glandular tissue left after the surgery, weight gain and use of steroids could make things worse. Having the procedure performed by an expert is therefore crucial for an optimal outcome.

Likewise, candidates looking to have gynecomastia treatment need to address the conditions that cause the tissue overgrowth prior to their corrective surgery to ensure a permanent and effective outcome. Excessive growth of male breast tissue can be caused by a variety of factors, such as hormone imbalances, use of some medications, and certain health conditions.

Generally, when the procedure is done correctly for an ideal candidate, the results are almost immediate and the recurrence of the tissue is quite rare. Patients should also have realistic expectations. In those rare cases when subsequent enlargement occurs, repeat reduction procedures may be required.

Following the surgeon’s instructions diligently is also important to ensure permanent results for male breast reduction in Manhattan. You should maintain a Healthy weight should after surgery. If the cause of the breast enlargement was identified (certain medications, steroids or excessive drug or alcohol use), those causes may need to addressed as well to ensure the enlargement does not return.

NYC plastic surgeons perform male breast reduction surgery using safe and effective minimally-invasive liposuction technologies such as BodyTite RFAL (radiofrequency assisted) or Smartlipo Triplex (laser assisted). These techniques remove excess glandular tissue and fat and tighten loose skin with less scarring, bleeding, swelling, and bruising than traditional liposuction. When performed by an expert, the treatment results in flatter, firmer and well-defined male chest. Keep in mind that the recommended treatment options may differ based on the causes of the condition and the patient’s age.

For male breast reduction in NYC, choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice that provides the service of surgeons who have extensive experience performing the procedure. You can expect successful outcomes from a surgeon who has years of experience in performing this procedure. Experts will also be ready to answer all your questions related to the treatment and guide you in taking an informed decision.

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