Body Contouring After Massive Weight Loss – What You Need To Know

Losing weight is indeed a great achievement. However, massive weight loss – either through diet and exercise or surgery – results in sagging skin in many areas such as the abdomen, arms, thighs and buttocks. With advancements in plastic surgery, there are diverse options available for body contouring in NYC that help address both excess fat and loose skin. Body contouring procedures such as tummy tuck, breast lift or lower body lift after massive weight loss help men and women achieve a toned well-shaped body. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), body contouring procedures after massive weight loss totaled 46,577 in 2020.

Body Contouring

ASPS statistics on the top 5 body contouring procedures after massive weight loss are as follows:

  • Breast lift (Mastopexy) – 10,972
  • Lower body lift – 5,043
  • Thigh lift – 4,592
  • Tummy tuck (Abdominoplasty) – 19,347
  • Upper arm lift – 6,623

Weight loss causes breast tissue to shrink and results in sagging skin. Even though it could be a gradual process, this after-effect of weight loss is a major concern for women. A breast lift in NYC is an ideal option to address sagginess and achieve firm, perkier breasts. The procedure, also called mastopexy, involves tightening the tissues and removing excess skin. It can also correct concerns such as nipples pointing downward, nipple/areola located below the crease, tuberous breasts and breasts that lack symmetry. Performed under general anesthesia, breast lift surgery involves different types of incisions – such as Crescent Lift, Peri-Areolar or “Donut” Lift, Vertical or “Lollipop” Lift and Inverted T or “Anchor” Lift. The plastic surgeon will recommend the right option based on individual considerations such as breast size, shape, extent of sag and personal goals.

After major weight loss, skin wrinkling and loss of tone can occur throughout the body. The tissue on the chest, trunk, and lower body areas will shrink significantly. A lower body lift can address these skin irregularities in the lower body areas such as abdomen, pubic area, flanks, lateral thighs and buttocks.

Patients with significant amount of extra thigh skin and have additional skin that needs to be excised could be good candidates for thigh lift surgery. The procedure removes excess fat and skin from the upper part of the thighs and provides a slimmer, firmer appearance. For those who have lost a lot of weight and have flabby skin, the procedure improves skin laxity. It also resolves chafing in the thigh area which is a major concern among many women.

People who want to tighten loose skin and muscles after major weight loss can consider getting a tummy tuck in NYC. This procedure is designed to tighten loose skin and provide a trimmer, streamlined midsection. In most cases, a tummy tuck also restores weakened or separated muscles.

Loose sagging skin under the arms or batwings is a major aesthetic concern among many women and men. Flabby upper arms most often do not respond to even rigorous diet and exercise. Getting an upper arm is the best way to achieve toned, well-shaped arms. Leading NYC plastic surgery practices offer a scarless arm lift performed using the minimally invasive BodyTite radiofrequency-assisted liposuction (RFAL) platform. This procedure allows you to achieve the smooth and well-shaped arms – without long incisions and scars.

Regardless of the body sculpting procedure you have, it’s important to follow all the post-operative instructions provided by your plastic surgeon for smooth recovery and optimal results.


If you are considering body contouring in NYC, choose an AAAASF plastic surgery practice with experienced and skilled surgeons. If you are the right candidate, a skilled surgeon can help you achieve the aesthetic results you want.

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