Breast Reduction using Liposuction Techniques

Excessively large breasts can cause aesthetic, physical, and psychological issues in women. The condition can result in breathing problems, poor posture, shoulder, back and neck pain, and skin rashes under the breasts. More and more women are choosing to have breast reduction surgery in New York City to address the condition.

Breast Reduction using Liposuction Techniques

There are two types of breast reduction surgery are:

Conventional breast reduction surgery: This procedure requires incisions and is generally done under general anesthesia. It involves bleeding, bruising, scars, hospital stay and long recovery.

Breast reduction using only liposuction: This procedure is a reliable and safe option and comes with far less surgical trauma. NYC plastic surgeons use advanced liposuction modalities such as BodyTite RFAL (radio frequency assisted liposuction) or Smartlipo Triplex to remove excess fat and tighten the skin. Liposuction comes with minimal downtime, and needs less time for recovery and healing.

Why is Breast Reduction Surgery done?

The procedure is a great option to address the concerns caused by overly large breasts, such as:

  • Severe pain on neck, shoulder and back
  • Skin irritation underneath the breast
  • Shoulder grooving
  • Spine issues due to poor posture
  • Impaired self confidence
  • Difficulty finding bras and clothes that fit

How is breast liposuction performed?

Liposuction breast reduction is done using local anesthesia using energy-assisted devices. The procedure involves making a tiny incision at the treatment site to insert the small cannula of the device and delivering energy (laser, ultrasound or radiofrequency) to disrupt the unwanted fat so that it can be easily suctioned off. Advanced techniques also tighten the skin.

Benefits of breast reduction using liposuction

  • Is safe and gentle
  • Needs only local anesthesia and small incisions
  • Quick recovery
  • Short downtime
  • Little to no scarring
  • Helps retain the natural shape of your breast

Are You a Good Candidate?

To be a good candidate for breast liposuction, you must be above the age of 18 and meet certain conditions:

  • Be physically and mentally fit
  • Have fully developed breasts
  • Have stretched skin or enlarged areolas
  • Not smoke or are ready to quit smoking
  • Have clear knowledge about the procedure and realistic expectations.

If you are considering breast reduction with liposuction, schedule a consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon in Manhattan NYC

  • Get the recommended medical evaluation and physical fitness exam
  • Discuss your needs and expectations with your surgeon
  • Ask about the risk factors if any
  • Discuss the type of anesthesia that will used

Choosing an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice that has plastic surgeons with extensive experience in breast reduction procedure is important. An expert plastic surgeon will recommend the best option that can provide the best outcomes for you.

Read more about breast reduction procedures.