Can a Facelift Improve Droopy Eyelids?

Can a Facelift Improve Droopy Eyelids?The tell-tale signs of aging creep up slowly and become more obvious as time goes on. Folds and smile lines become more pronounced, the eyebrows droops, the jaw line begins to sag, the skin becomes thinner, and begins to droop. If you are worried about these aging changes in the face, then a face lift in New York City could the ideal solution. One question that patients often ask their cosmetic surgeon is whether a face lift can improve droopy eyelids and brows.

A NYC facelift can take years off your face by eliminating lines, folds, wrinkles and sagging skin. Facial aging occurs due to skin changes and changes in the deeper soft tissues of the face. While the process is natural, facial aging can make many people less confident or even feel they have aged too fast. Facelift surgery can counteract the effects of aging and provide you with a more youthful appearance.

Understanding the Impact and Scope of NYC Facelift Procedures

Many people think that this facial rejuvenation procedure involves addressing aesthetic concerns in the entire face – the eyes, brow, cheeks and chin. However, facelift surgery focuses on the lower two thirds of the face. It can improve visible signs of aging in the face and neck such as mid-face sagging, lower eyelids creases, creases along the nose extending to the corner of the mouth (nasolabial folds), facial fat, jowling, a sagging jawline, and double chin.

As the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery (ABCS) explains, a facelift cannot improve upper droopy eyelids and browlift because of the differences in anatomy. The skin, muscles and other tissues along the brow and surrounding the eyelids are very distinct, and cosmetic surgery in each of these areas requires an entirely different set of techniques than those used to perform a facelift.

Blepharoplasty and eyebrow lift improve drooping/wrinkled lower eyelids/eyebrows, bags under the eyes, excess sagging skin, and excess fat deposits that create puffiness in the eyelids. The procedure involves removing excess skin and fat from the upper and lower eyelids and tightening the skin, making you look more alert and youthful.

Patients can choose to have an eyelid lift, brow lift or neck contouring at the same time as their New York City facelift. In this case, the plastic surgeon will combine the facelift with the other procedure or procedures in one single operation. Similarly, patients who only want to resolve signs of aging around the eyes or neck need have only an eyelid lift or neck lift, and not a facelift.

Traditional facelifts involve the use of various surgical techniques to improve visible signs of aging in the face and neck. The incision typically begins in the hairline at the temples, continues around the ear and ends in the lower scalp. Fat may be sculpted or grafts placed in areas with volume loss, such as the cheeks, under-eye areas and lips. The procedure also involves repositioning of the facial fat pads and sometimes, lifting of the deeper layers of the face, and the muscles. Excess skin is removed and the remaining skin is redraped over the uplifted contours. Another incision under the chin may be needed to improve aging concerns in the neck. The incisions are closed with sutures or skin adhesives. But now, expert NYC plastic surgeons perform a facelift using minimally-invasive energy-assisted liposuction technologies such as BodyTite, Smartlipo and VASER.

If you want to have a facelift in New York City or combine it another complementary procedure, choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice that has surgeons who have the specialized skill required to perform these procedures. Only an expert can provide optimal results.