Can Boosting NAD+ Promote Healthy Aging and Increase Life Span?

The quest for the elixir of youth seems never-ending! There are a multitude of products and treatments out there-from potions, medicines, creams and makeup to clothes, accessories and hairstyles-that claim they can enhance your looks, reverse the effects of aging, and increase life span.


Though there’s no quick fix to regain muscles, energy, or youthful skin, studies say that certain treatments show significant potential. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is one such treatment. Researchers suggest that NAD+ could support anti-aging efforts and slow down age-related health issues.

“Boosting NAD+ levels is beneficial for health and lifespan”, wrote Sarika Srivastava, a research assistant professor at Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute in a paper published in Clinical and Translation Medicine in 2016. The study, titled “Emerging therapeutic roles for NAD+ metabolism in mitochondrial and age-related disorders” found that boosting NAD+ in animals yielded impressive results, improving mitochondrial function and correcting metabolic disturbances caused by high fat diet. The focus is now on the potential of NAD+ supplements for humans.

Understanding NAD+

NAD+ is the raw form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide – a crucial energy-generating co-enzyme found in all living cells in the body. Before exploring the role of NAD+ supplementation in slowing the aging process, it would be useful to understand its role in the body. NAD+ supports hundreds of body functions, including:

  • Assisting cells in making energy from food
  • DNA repair
  • Stress response
  • Cell health
  • Electron transport, crucial for energy creation
  • Sustaining healthy mitochondria, vital in aging-related diseases, especially neurodegenerative ones
  • Managing gene expression
  • Supporting immune strength

As a co-enzyme, NAD+ helps other enzymes do their job.

NAD+ levels decline naturally with age. Declining NAD+ levels have been linked to a number of health issues including diabetes, heart disease, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and premature aging.

So how is NAD+ produced? It is created by NAD+ precursors.

What are NAD+ Precursors?

Precursors are micronutrients and substances that your body gets from food and supplements. These precursors are converted into NAD+ through a series of chemical processes. Think of NAD+ precursors as building blocks that our cells use to create the amazing coenzyme.

There are different NAD+ precursors, and NR and NMN, which are forms of vitamin B3, are considered the most efficient. Many clinical studies have demonstrated that NR or NMN oral supplementation increases NAD+ levels in humans.

In studies with animals, NMN has shown impressive benefits. It increased lifespan, improved how insulin works, reversed issues with blood vessels, lowered stress caused by harmful molecules, and even stop the functional decline caused by age-related disorders.

Srivastava’s study demonstrated interventions using NAD+ precursors inhibited many aging related impacts in animals.

Natural Ways to Improve NAD+ Levels

While we can’t halt the natural decline of NAD+, there are several ways to boost NAD+ in your body and slow its decline.

Eating foods rich in certain vitamin B types can increase NAD+ levels.  Include vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, whole grains, fish, meat, dairy products, and eggs in your diet.

Dr. Melanie Angelova, a medical practitioner at Optimise Health recommends foods rich in amino acids that help create NAD+, such as broccoli and cabbage, and certain fruits. (Harpar Bazaar, November 22, 2023). Angelova also recommends high-intensity exercise, citing a study which found that those who exercised intensely maintained NAD+ levels on par with younger adults.

It’s also important to avoid things that will deplete NAD+, like excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, poor diet, and excessive sun exposure.

Key Takeaways

Your body builds NAD+ using precursors from food or supplements. Adjusting diet and exercise routines can boost the important NAD+ coenzyme. NAD+ supplementation is now available. Like any supplement, they should be used alongside a balanced lifestyle and a healthy diet.

Srivastava concluded her study saying, “It remains to be determined whether or not boosting NAD+ levels could extend lifespan in higher organisms”. Though no severe side effects have been observed in animal or human studies with NAD+ supplementation, comprehensive safety data in humans is necessary. As the quest for longevity continues, it calls for further research and balanced approaches to healthy aging.