Changing Plastic Surgery Trends among Americans

Plastic SurgeryCosmetic surgery is widely popular in America and there has been a surge in the demand for these procedures last year and the trend continues. Various studies show that the reason for this preoccupation with looking good are various – some are looking for an enhanced physical appeal, some others want to correct a flawed physical attribute, while some others want to enjoy the improved self-esteem that comes with looking good. The recent annual statistics report from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) has clearly showcased the increasing demand for cosmetic procedures among Americans. However, the interest in specific plastic surgery procedures has also changed.

ASPS Reports on Plastic Surgery Trends

The report revealed that about 15.9 million surgical and minimally invasive cosmetic procedures were performed in the country in 2015. Interestingly, this statistics make it about one procedure per 16 adults in the country. Considering the statistics since 2000, the demand for the cosmetic procedures jumped a massive 115 percent in 2015. However, the type of procedures on demand has shown a shift in the past decade. Among the total number of procedures, immense growth is seen with regard to minimally invasive cosmetic procedures.

Similar to previous years, Botox was the procedure most demanded in this category. This was followed by chemical peel, laser hair removal, and microdermabrasion. In the category of cosmetic surgical procedures, breast augmentation remained the most popular just as in previous years. This was followed by liposuction, eyelid surgery and tummy tuck.

Buttock implant augmentation that was performed to help achieve a fuller and rounder derriere was quite rare in the 2000s. However, it is showing an increase in demand in the past few years with 1,863 procedures in 2014 and about 2,540 procedures last year. In fact, this was the fastest growing procedure in 2015. The interest for lift procedures among Americans also showed an increase. Earlier, it was the facelift that was widely performed to achieve a youthful-looking face. However, nowadays, people are also asking for breast lift, buttock lift, lower body lift and upper arm lift.

What is most interesting in the fact sheet is that having cosmetic surgery is no more a woman thing. Even when their total percentage is quite low compared to women, more men are now ready to take up cosmetic procedures to meet their varied cosmetic goals. The major shift was noticed in breast reduction surgeries as men underwent more than 40% of the total breast reduction procedures performed last year. Breast reduction is a great option for men with the condition known as gynecomastia (excess fat in the chest region that results in male breasts).

As more individuals are seeking cosmetic procedures, established plastic surgery practices in NYC are offering a range of procedures to help meet their varied aesthetic goals. Choose the right plastic surgeon and benefit from safe and optimal solutions.