Is Fat Transfer and Fat Grafting the Same? What Is Its Role in Buttock Augmentation?

The cosmetic treatment of fat transfer is the same as fat grafting and involves moving fat from one area of the body to another that needs enhancement. This procedure is often used in treatments like Brazilian butt lift, also known as buttocks augmentation. Fat transfer to buttocks Manhattan, NYC  provides a natural look to your derriere and improves the overall appearance of your body.

Buttock Augmentation

Get natural-looking, fuller buttocks with fat transfer!

To learn more, contact us at 212-265-2724.

Since fat transfer is a more natural alternative to conventional butt implants, it has grown in popularity as a buttock augmentation procedure. A plastic surgeon performs the surgery to remove undesirable body fat from places such as the thighs, hips, and belly. The fat is then purified and cleaned of extra fluid before being injected to enhance the volume and shape of the buttocks. As the fat is taken from the patient’s own body, the results of a fat transfer procedure appear and feel more natural.

The advantages of fat transfer include the following:

  • Twofold advantages: Fat transfer can shape and trim down the donor area in addition to adding volume to the buttocks, for a twofold advantage.
  • Less complications: Risks such as implant rupture or infection are less likely with fat transfer than with conventional butt implants.
  • Minimal scarring: Fat transfer causes very little scarring because only tiny incisions are made to remove and inject the fat.
  • Reduce the visibility of cellulite: Despite persistent efforts to reduce cellulite with diet and exercise, it can be quite challenging to get rid of. In certain cases, removing excess weight can exacerbate cellulite, particularly when it causes loose, drooping skin. Cellulite can be reduced and portions of skin that has ridges and dimples can be evened out using fat transfer.
  • Get long-lasting, natural-looking results: As long as you adopt healthy habits like routinely exercising, eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and limiting your sun exposure, fat transfer can result in natural-looking results that can last for up to several years.

Fat Transfer in Buttock Augmentation

The most accepted technique for buttock augmentation is fat transfer. Despite the fact that surgeons from all over the world use a variety of techniques, buttock fat grafting techniques are still not well-organized, understood, or proven to be safe or effective. However, there is a satisfaction rate for buttock augmentation with fat transfer.

In many body parts, fat transfer can restore volume and enhance the contour. The technique is frequently utilized in both reconstructive and cosmetic treatments. The procedure, also known as fat grafting, entails simply transferring fat from one place of the patient’s body where it is abundantly accessible (the donor site) to another where enhancement is required. The thighs, buttocks, or abdomen might serve as the donor site.

Brazilian butt augmentation is carried out using fat transfer rather than implants, making it a more natural surgery. The procedure uses fat grafting to provide volume and shape, and the surgeons meticulously remove surplus fat from particular parts of your body like the thighs, hips, and abdomen. To provide the correct contour, the harvested fat is cleaned up and injected into the buttocks. This can increase the definition of the infra-gluteal fold and provide the buttocks enough projection and fullness. To provide fat transfer in NYC-based plastic surgery centers, plastic surgeons use advanced techniques to perform fat grafting that provide excellent buttock augmentation results.

Buttocks Augmentation with Fat Grafting

At bodySCULPT®, our surgeons focus on providing patients with a fuller and natural-looking butt with buttocks augmentation. The Axis Three and VECTRA 3D systems allow patients to visualize the results of the procedure before it is carried out.

To learn more about fat transfer to buttocks Manhattan, NYC, contact us at 212-265-2724!