Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Reduction

Overly large breasts affect both men and women. For some people, the condition can cause serious physical and emotional concerns. Breast reduction surgery is a widely accepted solution to the problem. Breast reduction surgery in New York City is a safe and effective procedure performed by expert plastic surgeons using advanced techniques.

Breast Reduction

Oversized breasts can cause back pain, rashes and bad posture in women. In men, the condition is known as gynecomastia. Oversized breasts in women occur due to factors like pregnancy, hormonal change, genetics and obesity. On the other hand, this condition in men is due to hormonal change. Breast reduction surgery is an ideal option for both men and women. Prospective patients have many questions about the procedure. Given below are the answers to FAQs about breast reduction surgery.

Question 1:

What is breast reduction surgery?

Breast reduction surgery involves removal of excess fat, glandular tissue and skin. It reduces breast size and helps women achieve a well-shaped and attractive bust-line. The treatment helps men achieve a more well-defined, masculine chest.

Question 2:

What are the benefits of Breast Reduction Surgery in New York City

  • Safe and effective procedure
  • Performed under local anesthesia
  • Quick recovery
  • Short downtime
  • Minimal to no scarring
  • Provides a natural shape to the breasts/chest

Question 3:

Am I a good candidate for breast reduction?

To be a good candidate for breast reduction surgery, you would need to meet certain conditions:

  • Should be physically and mentally fit
  • Should not smoke or be ready to stop smoking
  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Should have realistic expectations

Question 4:

When should I consider breast reduction surgery?

If you have enlarged breasts that are out of proportion with the rest of your body and the condition is causing physical and emotional issues, breast reduction surgery could help.

Question 5:

 How can I Prepare for Breast Reduction Surgery?

  • Discuss your overall health and aesthetic concerns with your surgeon during the consultation
  • Complete lab tests/mammogram as recommended
  • Avoid blood thinning medicines like aspirin as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines like NSAIDs, as they can increase risk of bleeding.
  • Follow a healthy diet
  • Stop smoking and drinking at least 6 weeks before the procedure
  • Avoid tanning
  • Use relaxation techniques to reduce anxiety if any
  • Arrange for someone to drive you back home as well as care for you after the procedure.

Question 6:

How is the procedure performed?

In an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery center in Manhattan, NYC, experienced surgeons use minimally invasive treatment techniques like BodyTite RFAL (Radiofrequency assisted) or Smartlipo (laser assisted) for performing breast reduction safely and provide optimal results. The procedure needs only local anesthesia and may be performed on an outpatient basis.

Question 7:

What are the risks involved?

Like all surgeries, breast reduction comes with certain risks, such as temporary bruising, loss of sensation in the nipples and skin in the area, difficulty breastfeeding and asymmetry. Choosing an experienced cosmetic surgeon will minimize risks.

Question 8:

What results can I expect?

The final result would be visible immediately. Any swelling and bruising will diminish over time. Even though the final results are permanent, the size and shape of the breasts might change due to factors like aging, weight gain or weight loss and so on.

Question 9:

What is recovery like?

The recovery period may vary from person to person based on the technique used and amount of fat removed from the procedure site. At the same time, in the majority of cases, it would take 6 months for complete curing. On the other hand, you can get back to your work space 2-3 weeks after the procedure only if you are doing a desk job. During this period, you can even start small exercises with your surgeon’s advice.

However, it would take 6 months for the swelling and bruising to ease. If you are doing a physically demanding job, you can resume your work only after complete recovery. In addition, you should follow a healthy diet and stay hydrated to speed recovery.

Question 10:

What kind of exercises can I do after breast reduction surgery?

Based on the advice of your surgeon, you can perform the following exercises after the breast reduction surgery:

  • Arm swings
  • Body turns
  • Shoulder shrugs
  • Shoulder rolls
  • Shoulder rise
  • Beach pose
  • Chest stretch
  • Arm circles
  • Side bends

If you are considering breast reduction surgery in New York City, choose an AAAASF accredited cosmetic surgery center in Manhattan, NYC. Expert surgeons will provide the right guidance and customized solutions to help you achieve your goals.