New Year, New You: Get a Mommy Makeover

With the New Year approaching, mothers may be considering making the one change they have always wanted – restoring their pre-pregnancy body. There are various options to revitalize your appearance, body, and mind post pregnancy, such as breast enhancement, tummy tuck, liposuction, and so on. The mommy makeover in NYC is a combination of plastic surgery procedures that assists women in restoring their post-pregnancy bodies. This combination of aesthetic treatments is intended to help women restore body contour, rediscover confidence, and feel good about themselves.

Mommy Makeover

What is a Mommy Makeover?

Women are well aware of the physical changes that pregnancy can bring about. It can lead to a starched out belly, smaller, sagging breasts, and stubborn fat deposits in various areas of the body, and more. The physical changes that occur during pregnancy and childbirth cannot be entirely addressed by consistent diets and daily exercise. The mommy makeover provides the solution. This combination treatment tightens the abdominal muscles, lifts the breasts, gets rid of sagging skin, removes wrinkles and reshapes your contours to restore your pre-pregnancy physique.

This is a combination of procedures that is specifically designed to meet the demands of each patient and does not have any predetermined parts. The two body areas that are altered the most with motherhood are the breasts and the belly. It includes procedures to restore abdomen and breast contour, with additional procedures added as needed.

A mommy makeover procedure can include the following options:

  • Breast augmentation: Breast implant surgery is performed to restore breast size and contour.
  • Breast lift: To restore a youthful shape, a breast lift is performed to improve sagging. Combining a breast lift with breast augmentation addresses both low volume and drooping.
  • Tummy tuck: An abdominoplasty or tummy tuck provides a firmer, flatter, and more appealing waistline by tightening the abdominal muscles and removing extra skin and fat.
  • Liposuction: Liposuction addresses trouble spots, including the arms, legs, back, hips, pelvis, and flanks that have stubborn pockets of body fat. To achieve the best results, NYC plastic surgeons use advanced technologies such as BodyTite, VASERlipo, and Smartlipo Triplex.

Mothers who do not plan to have more children are ideal candidates. If you become pregnant in the future, it can cause weight gain and skin stretching, impacting the outcomes of your procedure. Candidates should be close to their optimal weight and in good physical health. Maintaining your body contour requires strict adherence to a healthy diet and exercise routine, both before and after the procedure.

How to Maintain the Results of Your Mommy Makeover

  • Create an exercise schedule: Start a regular workout regimen as soon as your surgeon provides the all-clear to continue after your initial recuperation time. Develop a routine for your physical exercise, whether it’s walking, running, bicycling, swimming, or attending group fitness sessions. Exercise can help tone your body in addition to helping you maintain a stable weight.
  • Keep your weight in a healthy range: Maintaining a healthy body weight with a proper diet and regular exercise is a crucial step in achieving the best possible outcomes. Eat whole grains, lean meats, healthy fats, and fresh fruits and vegetables, and avoid processed foods as much as possible. Although the odd indulgence is perfectly acceptable, maintaining a healthy, consistent weight is the best way to maintain the outcomes of your mother makeover.
  • Stay out of the sun: Exposure to direct sunlight can worsen scarring, and make the skin around your scars darker or thicker and more noticeable. When your scars are still healing, don’t expose your mommy makeover scars to direct sunlight.

Regain your pre-pregnancy beauty and feel your best with a mommy makeover.

Call us at 212-265-2724 | 1-800-282-7285! to learn more.

If you want to get a mommy makeover in NYC, choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice that has skilled plastic surgeons, Experts will tailor the treatment to meet your specific needs and provide the best possible outcomes.