High-Def Liposculpture – An Effective Option for Gynecomastia Concerns

Planning for a summer vacation? Is your body beach ready? Gynecomastia or male breast enlargement is an embarrassing condition in men. More and more men are now considering gynecomastia surgery or male breast reduction in NYC to resolve excessive build-up of fat and tissue on the chest easily, safely and effectively and thus achieve a manly physique. Experienced NYC plastic surgeons utilize advanced technologies such as BodyTite RFAL (radio frequency assisted liposuction) device or the Smartlipo Triplex laser liposuction device to perform minimally invasive breast reduction treatment.

High-Def Liposculpture

A recent ASPS press release discusses a study on a new approach to treat male breast enlargement, where the procedure combines high definition liposculpture, pectoral muscle surgery and/or fat grafting. Hi-def lipolysis is usually performed for men to help them achieve sculpted abs and a narrow waistline. Here’s something more out of this procedure. The study is published in the May issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the official medical journal of the ASPS. Treatment was targeted to the specific causes of breast tissue enlargement as well as the candidate’s body type.

This approach includes key steps such as – removing deep fat deposits under and adjacent to the pectoral muscle (high or “dynamic” definition liposculpture), surgical removal of excessive glandular tissue (Gynecomastia resection), and transferring fat from another part of the body to enhance the chest area (fat grafting). Based on the survey in this report, high-definition liposculpture efficiently removed the breast gland tissue in 70% of men, while open resection to remove the gland was required in 30% of patients, and fat grafting was performed in 65% of patients.

This study proved that Gynecomastia treatment combining high-definition liposculpture and male breast tissue resection through a new, almost invisible incision provides an athletic and natural appearance of the male pectoral area with a very low rate of complications.

With this procedure, there were no medically serious complications. While minor complications (such as persistent swelling and bruising) occurred in 3.2% of patients, major complications such as blood collections or localized infections occurred in 1.6%. While the primary evaluation of the procedure suggested good aesthetic outcomes and patient satisfaction, further studies are important to assess the long-term results of the procedure including the survival of fat grafts. While considering male breast reduction procedure, make sure to choose a New York City cosmetic surgeon trained and experienced in liposuction procedures.