How Blepharoplasty Can Benefit Tired-Looking Eyes

Do you find yourself constantly battling puffy eyes and dark circles, no matter how much sleep you get? It may be time to consider blepharoplasty in Manhattan. This popular cosmetic surgical procedure can rejuvenate your eyes and give you a more youthful appearance. Also known as eyelid surgery, blepharoplasty removes excess skin, fat, and muscle from your upper and lower eyelids. From reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles to improving your vision, there are numerous benefits to this procedure.


There are several factors that can contribute to the appearance of tired eyes, including: genetics, age, lifestyle factors, and medical conditions. Regardless of the cause, tired eyes can make you look and feel older than you really are. Fortunately, blepharoplasty can help address these issues and restore a more youthful and refreshed appearance to your eyes and face.

Benefits of Blepharoplasty


Blepharoplasty is a safe and effective option for most healthy adults who are looking to improve the appearance of their eyes. However, it’s important to consult an experienced plastic surgeon to determine whether this procedure is right for you. You should also have realistic expectations about the outcome.

If you decide to move forward with blepharoplasty in Manhattan, here are some general guidelines to keep in mind: stop smoking, avoid certain medications, arrange for transportation, and plan for downtime.

The entire procedure typically takes between one and two hours to complete, depending on the extent of the surgery. It’s normal to experience some swelling and bruising around your eyes after the surgery. This should start to subside within a few days. Your surgeon may prescribe pain medication or recommend over-the-counter pain relievers to help manage this. Most patients are able to return to work and other normal activities within a week or two after the surgery, although it’s important to avoid strenuous exercise or activities that could put strain on your eyes for several weeks.

By choosing a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon in Manhattan, following all pre- and post-operative instructions carefully, and taking the time to rest and recover after the surgery, you can enjoy a more youthful and refreshed appearance that lasts for years.

So why wait? Contact our plastic surgeons today!

Learn more on how blepharoplasty in Manhattan can benefit you!

Call 212-265-2724 | 1-800-282-7285!