How Cheek Augmentation Can Sculpt Your Face to Perfection

Facial aging is typically associated with wrinkles, but the truth is that there are other factors at play too. While wrinkles certainly contribute to changes in facial appearance, the gradual reduction of volume in the cheeks can have a significant impact too. Fortunately, cheek augmentation in Manhattan provides the solution. The procedure can help patients restore a youthful, refreshed look, enhancing their facial features and boosting their self-confidence.

Cheek Augmentation

Cheek Augmentation procedure offers customizable solutions to suit your unique beauty goals.

Contact us to learn more.

How Cheek Augmentation improves Facial Harmony

Cheek augmentation restores lost volume and enhances the definition of the cheeks, and results in a more balanced, youthful facial appearance.

  • Enhanced face symmetry: One of the most important components of beauty, face symmetry is greatly influenced by well-defined, proportional cheeks. Enhancing the cheeks can harmonize and improve the overall appearance of the face by balancing the facial features.
  • Restored volume: As people age, their cheeks may lose volume, resulting in a fatigued or sunken facial appearance. Cosmetic surgery can restore this lost volume, giving the face a plumper and more youthful-looking appearance.
  • Sculpted cheekbones: A more visually pleasing facial profile is frequently correlated with high, sculpted cheekbones. Plastic surgeons will use techniques to give the cheekbones more prominence and definition, giving the face a more sculpted and refined appearance.
  • Addresses nasolabial folds: Nasolabial folds are the lines that connect the corners of the lips to the sides of the nose. Enhancing and lifting the cheeks can reduce the appearance of these folds, creating a smoother, more youthful appearance.

How Does Cheek Augmentation Work

The procedure treats sunken or flattened cheeks by enhancing the volume and definition of the midface region. Plastic surgeons in Manhattan use two methods to improve the fullness of the cheeks: cheek implants and fat grafting:

  • Cheek implants: This minimally-invasive procedure involves using silicone or other biocompatible implants to enhance the cheeks. This surgical procedure can provide dramatic and long-lasting results. Different types of silicone implant kinds used to increase the fullness of the cheeks include:
    • Malar – placed directly over the cheekbones to highlight their projection and definition
    • Submalar – gives cheekbones more fullness by augmenting the area between the lower eyelids and the midface
    • Combined – enhances both cheekbones and cheeks
  • Fat grafting: In this procedure, fat is harvested from a location where it is abundant and injected into the cheek area. Combining the cheek implant procedure with fat grafting can improve outcomes.

Call us today @ 1-800-282-7285! to book your appointment.

Cheek augmentation in Manhattan is an innovative cosmetic surgical procedure that enhances the cheeks, creating a more alluring face profile. Expert plastic surgeons combine traditional and advanced techniques to provide the best results. Outcomes are often immediately noticeable following the treatment, providing patients seeking rapid improvements with instant gratification.