How Does a Brazilian Tummy Tuck Improve Abdominal Contour?

Abdominoplasty, sometimes referred to as a Brazilian tummy tuck, is a minimally-invasive procedure to enhance the appearance of the abdomen. Women who have extra skin, stubborn fat deposits, or weak abdominal muscles as a result of pregnancy, weight fluctuations, or aging can benefit most from the procedure. It involves removing extra skin and fat from the lower abdomen and flanks as well as tightening the supporting muscles to provide a flatter abdomen, a more defined waistline, and better muscle tone. The Brazilian tummy tuck in Manhattan can provide long-lasting results for the right candidate.

Brazilian Tummy Tuck

Don’t let abdominal self-consciousness hold you back any longer. Reclaim your confidence with a tummy tuck!

Contact us today!

When Should You Consider Abdominoplasty in NYC

  • If you are unable to get rid of belly fat despite rigorous exercise and a strict diet
  • If your stomach protrudes or looks droopy due to many pregnancies or strained muscles
  • If you are obese and you have stubborn belly fat

Keep in mind that only candidates in good health are eligible for a belly tuck. A tummy tuck is not recommended if you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Patients with diabetes or heart issues should also refrain from having the procedure.

What does a Brazilian Tummy Tuck Involve?

This plastic surgery procedure combines liposuction with the typical elliptical excision of extra skin and fat from the lower abdomen. A tiny, sensitive cannula is used to perform liposuction of the entire belly and flank through very small incisions. The incision is typically positioned relatively low in the pubic area or “bikini line”, so that any scars remain hidden. By drawing down and removing extra skin, the procedure results in a flatter, slimmer midsection.

The Brazilian tummy tuck in Manhattan is typically carried out under general anesthesia, and takes about 2-3 hours to complete. It effectively removes sagging skin and excess fat, and tightens the abdominal wall. Another significant advantage of this procedure is that it removes the same amount of skin as a traditional tummy tuck, but without much surgical trauma. Additionally, there is no requirement for draining fluid.

This treatment can significantly improve one’s self-esteem and body image in addition to the physical benefits. Many people have abdominal self-consciousness, which can lower their confidence and make it difficult for them to wear certain types of clothes. A tummy tuck can help people feel more at ease and confident in their bodies by creating a more streamlined and sculpted appearance, and improved overall body contour.

It’s crucial to understand that abdominoplasty is a body sculpting treatment rather than a weight loss procedure. It is advised for people who are at or close to their ideal weight but excess abdominal fat and skin. To find out if you are a good candidate, consult an experienced plastic surgeon in Manhattan.

Contact us now at 1-800-282-7285 and embark on your journey to a revitalized abdominal profile.

If you are considering a Brazilian Tummy tuck in Manhattan, make sure to choose an AAAASF-accredited practice to ensure the highest standards of care and safety.