How Does Eyelid Surgery Work? What to Expect Before, During, and After

Aging changes that impact the eyes include loose or sagging skin that hangs over your upper eyelids, droopy lower eyelids and puffiness under the eyes. The good news that cosmetic surgery can fix these common concerns. Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is a surgical procedure that involves reshaping the upper eyelids for aesthetic reasons or to address droopy or sagging eyelids that may impair vision. Eyelid surgery in Manhattan can enhance the appearance of the face by creating a more alert, youthful and refreshed look. The procedure involves removing excess fat and skin and removing or repositioning muscle tissues to achieve the desired aesthetic or functional outcome.

Eyelid Surgery

Ready to enhance the beauty of your eyes and rejuvenate your appearance? Discover the transformative power of eyelid surgery in Manhattan.

Contact us today to learn more.

How Does Eyelid Surgery Work?

First, the plastic surgeon will evaluate you to identify your concerns, expectations and goals, and determine if you are a good candidate for the treatment. Once it has been established that you are a suitable candidate for blepharoplasty, a comprehensive evaluation will be conducted to identify the specific concerns that require correction. These include a low brow position, drooping brows, excessive eyelid skin, muscle and fat, upper eyelid droop, and lower eyelid retraction and slackness. Blepharoplasty in Manhattan involves the removal of fatty tissues using specialized instruments. In certain cases, the muscle tissue may also be repositioned or removed. The incisions are strategically placed in inconspicuous areas to minimize visible scarring.

Advanced blepharoplasty techniques, such as laser blepharoplasty, are an improvement over the traditional surgical technique. The benefits of laser blepharoplasty include minimal visible scarring, minimal discomfort, shorter downtime, and quicker recovery. During upper blepharoplasty, a blunt-needle anesthetic injection is used to reduce post operative bruising, hematoma, and pain, further enhancing the overall experience and outcome of the procedure.

What to Expect

Before the Surgery

  • Consultation: You will meet with a plastic surgeon to talk over your expectations for the procedure, medical history, and goals. Your eyelids will be examined by the surgeon to see whether you are a good candidate.
  • Medical evaluation: To rule out any underlying problems or elements that can influence the procedure or its results, the surgeon may do a complete physical examination.
  • Preparation: Prior to the procedure, you’ll be given preoperative instructions, which may include refraining from smoking, taking certain medications, and fasting for a predetermined amount of time.

During the surgery

  • Anesthesia: The patient will be given local anesthesia before eyelid surgery in Manhattan
  • Incisions: To reduce obvious scarring, the surgeon will make incisions along your eyelids’ natural creases and wrinkles. The incision for upper eyelid surgery is often placed in the crease of the eyelid. The incision for lower eyelid surgery is placed on the inside of the eyelid or just below the lash line.
  • Tissue adjustment: To enhance eyelid contour, reduce puffiness, and address drooping, extra skin, fat, and muscle are carefully removed or relocated.
  • Closure: Sutures or surgical adhesive are used to close the incisions. These materials are normally removed a few days later or allowed to disintegrate naturally.

After the Surgery

  • Recovery: Until the anesthesia’s effects wear off, you will be observed in a recovery area. Short-term bruising, swelling, and discomfort around the eyes can be treated with painkillers and cold compresses.
  • Post- operative instruction: You will receive detailed instructions on how to care for your incisions, including how to keep them clean and administer the recommended ointments or eye drops. It’s important to carefully follow these directions.
  • Recovery and outcomes: The initial swelling and bruises normally resolve within a few weeks. You’ll find that your eyelids look refreshed and invigorated as the incisions heal.
  • Follow ups: Follow-up consultations will be scheduled with your surgeon to check on your recovery and guarantee the best outcomes. You will be given instructions about when you can resume usual activities, such as donning makeup and contact lenses.

Say goodbye to sagging eyelids, under-eye bags, and tired-looking eyes. Experience the confidence and radiance that come with refreshed and youthful-looking eyes.

Call 1-800-282-7285 today to schedule your consultation at bodySCULPT.

Book Now

If you intend to get eyelid surgery in Manhattan, choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery facility that has qualified cosmetic surgeons who are experienced in performing the procedure. Such surgeons will be knowledgeable about the tissues surrounding the eyes, which is essential for preventing complications and providing the best results for each patient.