How Facelift Surgery Can Help Men Look Younger and More Confident

Recent years have seen an increase in the popularity of procedures such as facelifts for men, which are thought to be the ideal way to lessen the effects of ageing. Men who want to look younger and are self-conscious about how they are ageing may choose to have a facelift. Facelift surgery for men in Manhattan, NYC provides men a more appealing, youthful appearance and helps increase their self-confidence.

 Facelift Surgery

Book your appointment today @ 1-800-282-7285 to look young and handsome!

Why Do Men Go for Facelift Surgery?

Facelift surgery can reduce the signs of ageing by minimizing changes such as loose skin, wrinkles, and deep lines. Men who want to improve their looks and address these issues undergo facelift surgery. Avoiding an overdone appearance is crucial, especially for men. Most men prefer all-natural results that boost their self-confidence without drawing attention to the fact that they underwent surgery. Another reason for the sudden rise in facelift for men is that they have the opportunity to work from home, which enables some men to take more private recovery time. In such cases, when patients can recuperate at home, they may even opt for more complex procedures.

 What Is a Facelift Surgery?

A facelift aims to smooth the jawline, reduce jowls, tighten the skin, lift the cheek, and lessen the appearance of a turkey neck. Overall, this operation gives you a younger appearance. It will help rejuvenate your appearance and lessen the severity of wrinkles. Facelift surgery is a minimally- invasive male plastic surgery in Manhattan, that uses three latest technologies to achieve the best outcomes:

  • BodyTite: BodyTite is a body contouring procedure that uses radiofrequency-assisted liposuction that contours the face and minimizes cellulite with tightening of the skin.
  • Smartlipo Triplex: This laser lipolysis workstation utilizes three different laser wavelengths (1440, 1064, and 1320 nm) to more effectively break down localized fat tissues while also tightening the skin.
  • Vaserlipo: It uses ultrasound energy and the device can gently remove extra fat by releasing the fat cells from the surrounding tissues.

A male facelift surgery helps to:

  • Reduce wrinkles and fine lines
  • Identify facial volume decrease
  • Eliminate or lessen facial scarring
  • Tighten sagging skin
  • Provide a young appearance

Recovering from the Surgery

Even though facelift surgery is a minimally invasive procedure, there may be some swelling and bruising on the first two to three days. To reduce pain during this period, patients typically need to wear a bandage or a compression garment around their faces. They must also sleep with their heads raised. It is important to take enough rest and a healthy diet to recover quickly. However, the recovery period for this procedure is minimal and patients can get back to their normal routine in a few weeks.

Look Young and Handsome with Facelift Surgery for Men

bodySCULPT® provides advanced facelift surgery procedures that restore youthful appeal and slow down the effects of aging.

To book your appointment today, call us

Men can now discuss plastic surgery without feeling uncomfortable. In fact, as time goes on, more men may decide to have aesthetic improvements. Facelift surgery for men in Manhattan helps to remove excess facial fat, reposition the muscles and tighten the skin to ensure an improved facial appearance.