How Long Do Chin Implant Surgeries Take?

Cosmetic surgery offers many options is a good option for creating more projection, definition, and balance to the face. Chin implant surgery in Manhattan is an ideal way to fix aesthetic concerns such as a weak chin, a double chin, a receding jawline, and imbalance of facial features, including defects caused by injuries and genetics. The procedure improves chin definition and contour and enhances overall facial appearance.

Chin Implant

What is the Duration of a Chin Implant Surgery?

The time taken to perform chin implant surgery depends on factors such as the implant used and your aesthetic goals. Chin implant surgery alone typically takes less than one hour to perform. If the procedure is combined with procedures such as cheek augmentation, lip augmentation, or a face lift, operating time will increase.

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. An incision is made either in the natural crease line just under the person’s chin or inside the mouth where gum and lower lip meet, and the chin implant is inserted tissue by gently stretching the tissue. The incisions are closed using fine sutures. After the procedure, light swelling and bruising is common. In order to avoid chewing, patients are usually advised to stick to a diet of liquids and soft foods for a few days after the procedure. The surgeon may recommend avoiding rigorous activity for the first few weeks after surgery. Normal activity can be resumed approximately after 2 weeks.

Chin implants are made of synthetic material and available in a variety of sizes and shapes. Chin implant surgery in Manhattan improves facial harmony by bringing the chin into better proportion with the other features. Results will be visible after approximately six weeks, though final results will take about a year.

Cosmetic chin surgery includes chin implants and bone reduction surgery. Your surgeon will recommend the option based on your facial structure and aesthetic concerns.

If you are considering chin augmentation in Manhattan, schedule a consultation with a plastic surgeon with expertise in facial cosmetic surgery.

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