How Long Does Swelling From A Facelift Last?

Are you tired of trying out creams and serums to rejuvenate your appearance? Then consider getting a facial plastic surgery procedure. Facelift in NYC can provide attractive, noticeable results and comes with short recovery time. The procedure can address signs of facial aging such as folds, wrinkles, lines and creases. Technically known as a rhytidectomy, a facelift can take years off your appearance and make you look as young as you feel, especially when done by an experienced and skilled plastic surgeon. Even if it can provide excellent outcomes, some swelling and inflammation is common after the procedure. So, how long will the swelling last?


The extent of swelling and inflammation after a facelift will on the nature of the procedure and technique used. Patients can expect the majority of their swelling to dissipate after 3 – 4 weeks post op. There are some steps you can take to minimize/avoid swelling and discomfort after a facelift in NYC:

  • To heal properly, follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions diligently
  • Keep the treatment sites clean and covered
  • Take the medications prescribed to reduce swelling/inflammation.
  • Ask your surgeon to give you a list of medications, vitamins and supplements to avoid in the pre-operative phase. Patient are advised to avoid drugs that can interfere with recovery.
  • Stay hydrated and eat healthy as it help your body to heal smoothly.
  • Avoid over-exertion or strenuous activities for the first few weeks after the facelift surgery.
  • The sleeping position after the procedure is an important factor. Surgeons recommend elevating the head while lying down, so that any unnecessary pressure and excess blood can flow away from the site.
  • Cool compresses may be recommended to heal soft tissue injuries. The cool sensation constricts the blood vessels, helps alleviate discomfort and speeds up recovery.
  • Smoking slows wound healing and increases risk of swelling or other post-surgical complications. So quit smoking for several weeks before and after surgery.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol both before and after the procedure as it aggravate swelling/inflammation.
  • Follow your surgeon’s pre-operative instructions on optimizing health and blood pressure well in advance of the surgery.
  • Stay away from heat sources during facelift recovery, as heat can make swelling more prominent. Avoid spending time outdoors, using heat lamps, and taking hot showers during the recovery period.

Though it’s quiet normal to experience some discomfort, including itching, tingling, and tightness as the area starts to heal and swelling persists, most patients don’t need pain medication after the first week. Most patients can return to normal (although not strenuous) activities by the second week. Swelling and bruising will continue improving over the course of several weeks. In fact, it’s important to understand that every patient heals at their own rate. For instance, it’s normal to experience some residual effects of the surgical procedure, including minor swelling, tightness, hard spots, and so on, even after 4 weeks post your procedure – which could last up to about six months in some cases. Speak with your surgeon about your concerns at follow-up appointments to learn more about the swelling and inflammation happening during the process.

If you are considering a facelift in New York City, choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice that has surgeons who have the specialized skill required to perform this procedure. An expert will provide guidance on how to decrease swelling after the treatment, which will promote smoother recovery and optimal results.