How Long Is Recovery from Abdominoplasty?

The standard plastic surgery treatment known as a “tummy tuck” has been enduringly popular for many years. Abdominoplasty in NYC helps improve your appearance, self-esteem and provides a safer and more effective body contouring than traditional liposuction In fact, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons’ most recent statistics, this was among the top five cosmetic surgeries done on both men and women last year. Despite the fact that this surgery is so popular, many people frequently have no idea what to expect from their recuperation. Many patients find that having a belly tuck is simpler if they are aware of the healing time and process.

Concerned about Recovering from Abdominoplasty? We Can Help You.

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How Long Is Recovery from Abdominoplasty

Recovery after Abdominoplasty Week by Week

  • On the day of the surgery: Abdominoplasty in Manhattan is done as an outpatient surgery under local anesthesia. So that you can rest after the surgery, you must have someone drive you home after surgery and take care of you. Expect to feel sleepy for a time since the anesthetic may take several hours to wear off. It is also normal to have discomfort, which can be treated with medicine. You will be prescribed oral drugs to use before surgery to lower the risk of infection, along with prescription pain relievers to help you manage your discomfort, during your pre-operative appointment.
  • On week 1 after the surgery: Resting well and adhering to the surgeon’s post-operative instructions are essential for a successful tummy tuck recovery. This will not only speed up the healing of your incision and the reduction of edema, but it will also help maximize the benefits of your tummy tuck. For the first two days following your tummy tuck treatment, bed rest is advised. On day 3, you should be active but keep it to a minimum. Avoid engaging in any activity that requires lifting or carrying, driving, working out, smoking, or consuming alcohol. Every other day following surgery, the incision site’s bandages should be changed, and the area around the wound should be gently cleaned. A post-tummy tuck compression garment should be worn at all times for the first few weeks. It’s crucial to reduce swelling, promote healing, and achieve the best possible results. A day or two following surgery, patients can typically take a shower. To lessen swelling, patients should maintain a diet low in sodium and stay hydrated.
  • Week 2 after the surgery: Usually one week after surgery, the vast majority of patients can resume their regular daily activities. Take a few quick walks throughout the day to help your body adjust to moving again and improve blood circulation. Activities, including strenuous exercise, smoking, and consuming alcohol, are still prohibited. The second week following surgery, patients are allowed to return to their regular diets, although it is still advisable to reduce their sodium intake and stay hydrated. To get the best outcomes, patients should continue to wear compression clothing. There will be some swelling in the treatment area at week 2 also. However, the discomfort from your tummy tuck as well as the bruising and tightness will reduce significantly by the 2nd week.
  • Week 3 and 4 after the surgery: You will have completed roughly half of your initial tummy tuck recovery timeframe by weeks 3 and 4. Following a tummy tuck, patients typically start exercising again by this time, after receiving the go-ahead signal from their surgeon. It is critical to ease back into action. If you feel exhausted, pay attention to your body and take some time to relax. Once you have healed properly, you can get back to your regular exercise schedule. To remain within your optimum weight range, start keeping a healthy, well-balanced diet. Continue wearing compression clothing and applying scar treatments to your incision. You should have no more pain, no more bruising, and very little swelling.
  • Weeks 5 and 6 after surgery: Most patients resume vigorous exercise between weeks five and six of their recovery following a stomach tuck, with their surgeon’s consent. To maintain your desired weight range, follow your healthy, well-balanced diet. Using scar treatments on your wound will help you recover faster. Continue wearing the compression garment.
  • After 3 months: Most of the patients can resume their daily activities and also enjoy a flat stomach. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important to retain the results of the treatment for a longer period of time.

Recover Quickly from Tummy Tuck Surgery

bodySCULPT®’s abdominoplasty/tummy tuck surgery helps you achieve a flat and well-contoured abdomen.

To schedule a consultation for abdominoplasty/tummy tuck surgery at our plastic surgery practice in Manhattan, New York (NYC), call 212-265-2724.

An abdominoplasty can help you get rid of the extra skin, fat, and tissue in the abdomen area that liposuction, diet, and exercise cannot remove on their own. Although the recovery from a stomach tuck may seem difficult, the highly qualified plastic surgeons in Manhattan, NYC, work towards providing you with the greatest outcomes and least amount of pain.