How Long Should You Wear A Compression Garment After A Facelift?

Are you bothered by signs of aging such as folds, wrinkles, lines and creases that have formed on your face? The good news is that a facelift in New York City performed by skilled plastic surgeons can address these common aesthetic concerns and provide a more youthful and refreshed look. Technically known as a rhytidectomy, a facelift can take years off your appearance and make you look as young as you feel. However, in order to take advantage of the positive changes associated with the facelift, the patient must pay close attention to the guidelines that need to be followed during the recovery period. One important guideline every patient has to follow after a facelift is wearing a compression garment. Many prospective patients are confused as to how long they should wear this dressing.


Compression garments are an important element of proper post-op care for various plastic surgery procedures such as liposuction, tummy tuck, breast reduction surgery, and facelifts.

Generally, plastic surgeons recommend wearing the compression garment as much as possible for the first 2-3 weeks following facelift surgery. The garment is specially designed to reduce bleeding and swelling after the procedure. A compression garment also provides many medical benefits – it promotes healing, limits the buildup of edema during the initial recovery phase, reduces the risk of seromas or hematomas, improves results, and more. After the second week, patients are advised to continue to wear the garment for an additional 2 weeks while at home or at night, and can take it off when they go out. However, these recommendations may be modified based on how the patient responds to compression. The length of time you may need to wear the garment would vary depending on the amount of fat removed, the skin’s elasticity, how much loose skin there is, recovery progress, and the surgeon’s observations. Patients who wear the garment for the recommended time period experience a lower risk of post-surgical complications and also tend to be more satisfied with their results.

When buying a compression garment for your post facelift period, it’s important to choose one that fits well. An improper post-surgical garment will affect the healing process. Make sure your compression garment or bandage fits appropriately, is comfortable, and stays in place without rolling up.

Established plastic surgery practices in NYC offer surgical, minimally-invasive and non-invasive facelifts. The operative technique and the skills and experience of the surgeon matter when it comes to recovering smoothly after any cosmetic surgical procedure However, regardless of the technique used, wearing compression garment as recommended during your recovery period is crucial for smooth healing and long-lasting results. Along with this, make sure to follow the other post-op guidelines recommended by your surgeon to take care of your skin.

If you are considering a facelift in NYC, choose an AAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice that has plastic surgeons who are well-trained and experienced in performing the procedure. A reliable surgeon will work closely with you to determine which technique is best for you after conducting a detailed assessment of your concerns as well as physiological considerations. They will also discuss everything related to the post-surgical phase at the consultation, including the use of the compression garment.

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