How Soon can Patients Resume Challenging Activities and Exercise after VASER Lipo?

Cosmetic SurgeryVASER Lipo in NYC is a minimally invasive cosmetic surgical procedure that utilizes ultrasound energy to remove stubborn fat safely and efficiently from areas such as the abdomen, back, breasts, buttocks, face, flanks, hips, neck, knees and upper arms. Unlike other body contouring techniques, VASER Lipo is distinctive as it can remove targeted fat without harming the surrounding nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue. In NYC, leading plastic surgeons offer this treatment as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia. Because it is minimally invasive, many patients want to know how soon they can resume routine and more vigorous activity. A patient asked this question on the RealSelf forum: “Can I go hiking or do more challenging exercises 4-6 weeks after Vaser liposuction to abdomen/flanks/inner thighs?”

Usually, after VASER lipo procedure patients are advised to remain active with activities such as low-intensity walking to ease swelling. You can start off with light activities and gradually begin more intense exercise based on how your body tolerates it. Depending on individual considerations, surgeons say that more vigorous exercise may be resumed 3-4 weeks post-op.

On the RealSelf Forum, one expert plastic surgeon reminds the patient that a short period of 12-24 hours rest is usually recommended immediately after the procedure. A walking program may be resumed 1-2 weeks after liposuction and more vigorous exercise 3-4 weeks post-op. He points out that engaging in an activity largely depends on how the patient feels.

One expert replied that the amount of fat removed does seem to have an influence on the degree of swelling experienced after the procedure. He recommends that 6 weeks should be fine for hiking or other challenging exercise, but for some patients 4 would be difficult. He feels that the patient would not have any issues as long as the pressure garment is nice and firm after the treatment and stays on as per the post-surgical instructions given.

Another surgeon said some swelling for up to 6 months post-op is quite common. According to him, the patient could resume a walking program 1-2 weeks after liposuction and more vigorous exercise 3-4 weeks post-op. He also advises continuing lymphatic massage and compression as directed by the patient’s surgeon.

This minimally-invasive procedure offer many advantages and patients can expect optimal results when it is performed by an expert NYC Plastic Surgeon. The treatment begins with administering local anesthesia. Then the ultrasonic probe is inserted into the fatty tissue, and the high frequency sound waves that the probe transmits break apart and liquefy the fatty tissues between the skin and muscle. A small cannula is used to gently suction off the liquefied fat cells. With a choice of probes, diameters, and groove patterns, the VASER device can address both small and large volumes of fat and uses the right amount of energy to treat particular kinds of target tissues (soft, fibrous, or medium).

With proper aftercare after VASER Lipo in NYC, the skin contracts to provide smooth, natural-looking results with only minimal pain, scarring and bleeding and bruising. In addition to treating areas with more fibrous tissue more effectively, VASER also preserves the viability of fat cells for fat transfer.