How to Prepare for a Cosmetic Fat Grafting Procedure

How to Prepare for a Cosmetic Fat Grafting Procedure Plastic surgeons once discarded fat removed through liposuction as waste. Then the “green” movement in plastic surgery arrived – the removed fat was recycled and put it back in another area that needed volume. Autologous fat transfer, as the procedure is also called, has two components – liposuction to harvest excess fat from one area of the body, and injections to place the fat in another area. Today, fat grafting in NYC is now a widely used technique in both cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. The procedure can smooth out wrinkles and improve areas that loose volume with aging.

One of the most popular applications of fat transfer in recent years is in Brazilian butt augmentation in Manhattan. The procedure involves extracting excess fat from areas such as the abdomen, flanks and thighs, purifying it, and injecting it into buttocks to enhance shape and appearance. When performed by expert plastic surgeons, fat grafting is a safe, well tolerated procedure that produces natural-looking results.

Experienced plastic surgeons in NYC utilize advanced techniques to perform fat transfer. At the consultation, your surgeon will answer any questions you may have, take a detailed medical history, and perform a physical exam to determine your fitness for this procedure. You will also be given pre-op and post-op instructions. Going by your surgeon’s guidance is important to get through the treatment and recovery easily and achieve optimal results. Here are the things you should know about preparing for and recovering from a fat transfer procedure:

  • Pre-procedure photos may be taken
  • Keep yourself hydrated before and after surgery for safe recovery and the best outcomes.
  • Eat plenty of fresh, healthy foods before (and after) surgery so that your body gets essential vitamins and nutrients that will defend against infections and regulate your digestive system.
  • Stop smoking at least six weeks before the procedure to avoid poor wound healing and scarring.
  • Avoid taking aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs: Advil, Motrin, Aleve) and vitamins/homeopathic regimens before the procedure as these increase risk of bleeding.
  • For fast and smooth healing, stop consuming alcohol a few weeks before the surgery and after.
  • Use antibacterial soap to shower as antiseptics used to prepare the skin before surgery will work better when your skin is clean.
  • Wear loose clothing that you can slip on and off easily.
  • Using relaxation techniques can speed the healing process, and reduce anxiety, complications, and postoperative pain and discomfort.
  • If you are having Brazilian butt lift (BBL) surgery, exercising prior to your surgery will tone the muscles around your buttocks and upper legs. This improve your surgical experience as well as your results.
  • Arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery and stay with you for few days to help with household matters, as you won’t be able to sit down for a certain period after BBL or perform lifting tasks.

It’s important to make your home post-operative ready before the procedure. Following your surgeon’s instructions can in smooth recovery. Have a list of questions ready to ask your surgeon at the consultation. Specifically, understand the risks and benefits that the procedure involves as this will help you make informed decisions.

For safe and effective fat transfer in NYC, make sure you choose a plastic surgeon who is skilled in the procedure and performs it in an AAAASF-accredited surgical facility. Surgical expertise and the use of the right technology and techniques are paramount for safe treatment and pleasing outcomes.