“InMode a Game Changer”, says InMode’s Brand Ambassador Paula Abdul

In October 2019, international pop icon and brand ambassador of InMode, Paula Abdul made headlines by sharing her cosmetic treatment experiences with InMode’s signature minimally invasive treatments – FaceTite, AccuTite and Morpheus8 – to contour her arms and lower face. In a recent conversation with InMode’s President Shakil Lakhani, Paula raved, “InMode is a game changer”. The pop icon was replying to Shakil Lakhani question on how InMode’s innovative technology had benefited her.

“InMode a Game Changer”, says InMode’s Brand Ambassador Paula Abdul

Paula wanted to refresh her appearance ahead of her “Paula Abdul: Forever Your Girl” concert residency at the Flamingo Las Vegas in Las Vegas, which opened August 13, 2019. She openly admitted the inevitable effects of gravity on her appearance and decided to something to achieve her dream of a sleeker jawline. But she was not ready to have incisions and invasive plastic surgery.

She told Shakil Lakhani that she found InMode after researching all the minimally-invasive procedures out in the market. Paula called InMode a game changer after viewing the before and after pictures of different InMode patients. She found that InMode’s procedure resulted in a sleek and defined chin, and that the procedure requires little downtime – which was all she wanted. While maintaining a healthy lifestyle, InMode’s FaceTite, AccuTite and Morpheus8 helped Paula restore a sleeker, more youthful look without invasive cosmetic surgery.

Pleased with the initial results, Paula Abdul said that she couldn’t wait for a year to go by to see what final results. She also shared her experiences working with the team, especially with bodySCULPT plastic surgeon and InMode’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Spero Theodorou who is also now her great friend.

Dr. Theodorou is also responsible for the development of all of InMode’s procedures, clinical studies and training. He invented EmbraceRF which combines InMode’s FaceTite and Morpheus8 to address aging concerns in the lower face. This unique one-time facial rejuvenation procedure treats skin laxity and excess fat accumulation in the face and neck area.

In a Yahoo Finance news report, Dr. Theodorou had endorsed choosing Paula as InMode’s brand ambassador. “Paula is an excellent choice as InMode’s brand ambassador as she is fit and exercises regularly, but has some areas that trouble her due to past injuries and the effects of aging that overtake us all,” he said.

InMode’s BodyTite system proved the ideal option to sculpt and remodel Paula’s arms while the FaceTite and Morpheus8 hand pieces addressed her lower face, jawline and neck. Unlike more extensive cosmetic surgery, which requires general anesthesia, InMode’s minimally-invasive technology needs only local anesthesia.

She felt that its important, especially to know that there’s this procedure and technology that does wonderful job and the downtime is incredible, that post the procedure you can literally put little makeup on and can go back to your day.

When asked by Shakil that what could be the reason for many people turning down cosmetic procedures, Paula said that, often times, it could be scary. She but then encourages people, especially women saying that how amazingly the technology keeps getting better and better, and women should come forward and try out these procedure, as she strongly believes women should be celebrated.

“My confidence has been raised – when you feel good on the inside, you radiate on the outside” concluding, “My results were subtle, but definitive”, she concluded.

Shakil said, “We are thrilled to announce a strong and powerful woman like Paula representing our brand. Paula has an ageless presence and embodies InMode’s commitment to enhance beauty and well-being. This collaboration will ensure a greater audience is aware of the benefits of InMode’s technology on a national and global level.”