Is Facelift Surgery the Right Choice for You?

When it comes to rejuvenating your appearance and combating the signs of aging, face lift in Manhattan, NYC is a popular option. It’s a cosmetic procedure designed to tighten sagging skin, reduce wrinkles, and restore a more youthful look to the face.

Minimally-invasive facelift procedures are performed using advanced modalities such as BodyTiteâ„¢ (radiofrequency assisted), Smartlipo Triplex (laser assisted), and VASERlipo (ultrasound assisted). Skilled surgeons also perform non-invasive facelifts using InMode technologies such as InMode EVOKE and Forma. The procedure targets specific areas and can help restore a more refreshed and youthful appearance.

Though the procedure can be a great option for many people, it’s not right for everyone. Is face lift surgery the right choice for you? Let us check out some key factors that could help you make an informed decision.

Factors Determining Candidature for Face Lift Surgery

Face Lift

Visible signs of aging

  • deep wrinkles, loose skin, or jowls
  • sagging in the lower face and neck

Realistic expectations

  • have a clear understanding of what can be achieved
  • have realistic expectations about the outcome of procedure

Good health and lifestyle

  • you should generally be in good overall health
  • maintain a healthy lifestyle
  • include proper skincare and sun protection

Psychological readiness

  • ensure that you are making the decision for yourself
  • avoid any external pressures


  • you need to be a non-smoker
  • quit smoking for a certain period before and after the surgery

Good candidates for face lift surgery are typically in good overall health, have realistic expectations regarding the outcome of the procedure, and are bothered by visible signs of aging in the face and neck. The underlying facial bone structure also plays a role in determining candidacy. The surgeon will evaluate your facial anatomy to determine if a face lift is suitable for you. For better results, make sure to schedule your consultation with a plastic surgeon experienced in performing face lift in Manhattan, NYC.

Transform your looks and boost your confidence!

Book your face lift consultation today at 212-265-2724 | 1-800-282-7285!