Key Benefits of Non-surgical Facelifts

The popularity of non-invasive facelifts has grown over the past few years as a result of the procedure’s ability to produce remarkable results without any surgical intervention. A non-invasive facelift does not require the large incisions, general anesthesia or an overnight hospital stay that a traditional surgical facelift involves. A non-invasive facelift typically comes with quicker recovery time and lower risks. A non-surgical facelift in Manhattan NYC uses injectables, lasers, or other techniques to treat concerns such as wrinkles, sagging skin, and volume loss.

Non-surgical Facelifts

Improve sagging and wrinkles with a non-surgical facelift in Manhattan!

Call 212-265-2724 to schedule your appointment!

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Non-invasive Procedures for Facial Enhancement

  • InMode Evoke: This is a non-invasive, hands-free facial remodeling treatment that restructures your facial tissue and delivers a structural re-organization and contouring of the facial tissues. It can improve the appearance of the neck, chin, and cheeks/jowls.
  • Botox injection: Botox is a neurotoxin used to treat wrinkles and fine lines on the face. While Botox cannot completely replace a facelift, it is ideal to treat minor issues like fine lines and wrinkles. Botox is most commonly used to repair wrinkles or fine lines caused by facial muscle activity in the upper face or the areas around the lips are the most common areas.

Advantages of Non-invasive Facelifts

Non-surgical facelifts have a ton of built-in benefits

  • There is no significant pain: Non-surgical facelifts involve little pain and discomfort, both during and following the treatment.
  • Lower risk: Even when performed by an expert, surgical procedures come with risk of infection and problems associated with general anesthesia. Non-surgical facelifts avoid all of that.
  • Minimum time for recovery: The problem with surgical facelifts is that you must schedule time off of work for the process. In addition, you must often allow yourself several days or even weeks for recovery. A non-surgical facelift comes with short recovery time.
  • Little aftercare: All surgical procedures involve some recovery time. However, for many people, returning to life quickly, even the same day, is desirable. Following a non-surgical facelift, you can expect some bruising or swelling in the treated areas, which will resolve soon, allowing you to get back to your routine quickly.
  • Less procedural time: Non-surgical facelifts can usually be completed quickly as there is no need for extensive preparation with anesthesia and other medications. These minimally invasive procedures often only take a few minutes to an hour to complete. However, procedure time can vary depending on the patient and the technique.
  • Natural looking results: Non-surgical facelifts offer patients more subtle and natural looking enhancements to the face, filling out deep lines and wrinkles, or adjusting contours of your face without any risk of scarring or disfigurement. In addition, injectables allow for specific treatment of trouble areas, thereby restoring your natural beauty without completely altering it.

Get rid of sagging skin and wrinkles with a non-invasive facelift!

Contact us at 212-265-2724 today!

There are a wide range of cosmetic surgical procedures to improve common facial concerns. A non-invasive facelift in Manhattan, NYC is an ideal option to address sagging facial skin and loose jowls, wrinkles on your forehead and sides of your mouth, sunken cheeks, and thin lips. In addition to providing excellent outcomes for the right candidates, non-invasive facelifts performed using advanced technologies are quick and painless, leave no scars and allow you to recover quickly.