Latest ASPS Data reveals Most Popular Cosmetic Procedures in 2016

Popular Cosmetic ProceduresRecent data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reveals that the demand of cosmetic procedures in the U.S. is growing. ASPS reported that almost 17.1 million cosmetic procedures were performed in 2016, including both surgical and minimally invasive treatments. One of the main factors driving this trend is advancements in technology which have minimized the downtime and surgical trauma associated with cosmetic procedures. For instance, body sculpting in NYC is performed using advanced minimally-invasive and non-invasive techniques known for their safety and efficacy.

ASPS data shows that facelifts and fat transfer were popular trends last year. Facelift surgery or rhytidectomy reduces signs of aging in the face and neck and restores youthful appeal. It rejuvenates facial appearance by improving mid-face sagging, wrinkles below the lower eyelids, creases along nasolabial folds, facial fat, jowls, and double chin. Men and women choosing to have a facelift in NYC can choose from both traditional as well as minimally invasive procedures such as Laser Lift and Kybella as well as non-invasive CoolSculpting.

Fat transfer or fat grafting was another popular option in 2016. Fat transfer involves removing fat from one area of the patient’s body and transferring it to another area to enhance volume. Fat grafts can improve facial appearance with more long-lasting outcomes than facial fillers. The advantage of this method is that it uses your own fat rather than implants. Fat grafting in NYC is widely used in Brazilian butt lift (BBL) surgery.

The Top Procedures Performed in 2016

According to the ASPS report, up to 1.8 million cosmetic surgeries were performed in 2016. The top procedures were:

  • Breast augmentation
  • Liposuction
  • Eyelid surgery
  • Facelift

With less pain, downtime and other advantages, 15.5 million procedures minimally invasive cosmetic surgical treatments were performed last year. The most popular procedures were Botox, chemical peel, laser hair removal, and microdermabrasion.

The President of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons attributes this surge in demand for cosmetic treatments to selfies and social media. When people post their pictures online, they are extremely conscious of their overall appearance. The desire to achieve the perfect selfie is most likely the reason for the focus on facelifts.

If you are considering body contouring in NYC, choose a reliable plastic surgeon with whom you would be comfortable discussing your aesthetic concerns. The right surgeon will evaluate your candidature for the treatment and recommend the best solution to achieve your goals.