Paula Abdul Shares her InMode Cosmetic Experience on the BUILD Series by Yahoo

Paula Abdul Shares her InMode Cosmetic Experience on the BUILD Series by YahooPop legend Paula Abdul is making headlines for three reasons – one, for her ongoing Las Vegas Residency, second, for her admission about having cosmetic surgery before the launch of her Residency, and last but not least, becoming brand ambassador for InMode. On a Yahoo BUILD episode aired on October 3, Paula openly talked about the procedures she had when the host praised her saying, “You look amazing!”

Paula said she was 57 years old and aware of how gravity influences aging. She wanted to keep her appearance up and look a little refreshed ahead of the launch of her show in Las Vegas, “Paula Abdul: Forever Your Girl”. She had always dreamt of getting a sleeker jawline and said she thought this was the perfect time to get something done about it. But Paula was not ready to have an incision and invasive plastic surgery.

Paula said she didn’t want to look different and just wanted a more youthful profile. The singer looked around for a solution and found InMode. FaceTite and BodyTite from InMode helped Paula achieve her aesthetic goals. She said that this radiofrequency-assisted procedure helped her achieve her goals with no visible scarring. Paula mentioned that it stimulates collagen and provides very natural looking results, and that she would recommend to everyone. InMode’s technology proved the right option to address age-related aesthetic concerns in her arms, lower face, jawline and neck. Paula also mentioned that she walked out the house in two days post-op!

On a Wendy Williams talk show which was aired earlier this month, the host praised Paula for “never” aging. Paula went on to openly discuss the procedures that transformed her appearance.

Invented by Dr. Spero Theodorou, bodySCULPT’s leading plastic surgeon who is also the chief medical officer of InMode, EmbraceRF combines two powerful technologies from InMode – FaceTite and Morpheus8 to address aging concerns in the lower face. This unique one-time facial rejuvenation procedure treats skin laxity and excess fat accumulation in the face and neck area – without surgery.