Preparation Tips For Breast Reduction Surgery For Women In Manhattan

In women, oversized breasts can be result of pregnancy, hormonal change, genetics or obesity, causing back pain, rashes and bad posture. Breast reduction surgery for women in Manhattan is an ideal way to achieve a well-shaped and attractive bust-line. The procedure is performed using advanced liposuction modalities such as BodyTite RFAL (radio frequency assisted liposuction) or Smartlipo Triplex to provide the best outcome.
Also referred to as reduction mammoplasty, the procedure involves changing the size, weight, shape and firmness of the breast tissue, fat and skin. Though the procedure can be done at any age, the best results are achieved once the breasts are fully developed and pregnancy is no longer an issue. Proper preparation is important to achieve better results out of the procedure.

Some pre-operative considerations for women breast reduction

women breast reduction

After the treatment, patients can expect improved physical function, pain relief, better posture, and improved lung function and quality of sleep. The right candidates for breast reduction surgery in New York City are women who are -unhappy about their large breast size, have difficulty sleeping, experience pain in the neck, shoulder and back due to large breasts, or have skin rashes. You should also be physically healthy, be a non-smoker and have realistic expectations about the outcome. Expert surgeons also combine breast reduction with butt lift for better results.