Reasons Why Young Adults Undergo Blepharoplasty

One of the top five most common operations in the nation has consistently been eyelid surgery. Statistical information from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons indicates that it was the second most popular surgery in 2020. By eliminating extra skin, fat, and muscle from the lower and upper eyelids, laser blepharoplasty in Manhattan NYC improves the appearance of your eyes and face.


Patients are much more engaged and aggressive in maintaining a youthful appearance and now that they are more aware of the whole cosmetic industry and its offerings. This procedure has always been reserved for people who are over 50, but times have been gradually changing. The Zoom-effect and COVID are often cited as the causes of this transition, however the tendency was already underway long before the world came to an end.

Laser Blepharoplasty and SmartBleph

This procedure can tighten the loose lower eyelid and successfully address aesthetic issues like hooding of the upper eyelids and dark circles under the eyes, which is why this eyelid rejuvenation technique is a popular choice for patients. It can correct issues such as drooping or wrinkled lower eyelids and brows, eyes under the bags, excess sagging skin, excessive fat deposits that cause the eyelids’ puffiness and visual impairment brought on by slackness

A novel technique called Smartbleph is applied to rejuvenate the top eyelids. The procedure uses the latest SmartSkin laser from Cynosure to efficiently remove extra upper lid skin and tighten the surrounding tissue. The professional surgeons can provide you with a naturally arched brow and long, thick eyelashes, giving you a youthful, vibrant appearance. The operation takes about 30 minutes to complete.

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Reasons for Undergoing Eyelid Surgery

  • Upper lids that are hooded: It’s not necessarily due to gravity or old age that one develops heavy upper lids. There are many young people who were born with these face characteristics. Eyebrows that are naturally positioned low amplify the hooding frequently. Beyond giving the eyes a sleepy appearance, that bulky skin fold covers the majority of the top lid, also known as the eyelid platform, leaving little room for makeup and smudging what little colour is used. In fact, this is what encourages many young women to have upper-lid surgery. Patients frequently complain about their eye makeup smearing and hope that blepharoplasty will help. The canvas is smoothed by removing extra eyelid skin, which also prevents makeup from being rubbed off and erased.
  • Under-eye bags: There are undoubtedly many individuals with bags beneath their eyes on their lower lids who have had them since they were teenagers. Like a pair of Spanx, the orbital septum is a structure that restrains fat. Some people have a minor septal defect that results in an under-eye bag from birth. Frequently, the bulging fat creates a shadow exactly beneath it. Most frequently, shadows that form as a result of light from above getting lost in the valley of the eyelid contour issues, rather than true darkening of the skin, is what causes dark circles. When sagging fat causes dark circles, the condition can be surgically fixed to eliminate the dark circles.
  • Asymmetries and droopy eyelids: Usually, it’s not necessary to have to correct droopy eyelids in young patients or to impair their vision and make them insane all their lives. Rarely, the afflicted lid contains a lot of additional skin by default. The most common cause of ptosis is a weak eyelid muscle. It may develop after trauma or a large swelling of the eyelids, or it may be a congenital trait. Ptosis correction tightens the eyelid muscle to lift the lid up and produce a more open look to the actual eye, so you can see better. It is sometimes done concurrently with an upper blepharoplasty, which removes extra skin and perhaps fat so that you can see the iris.
  • Monolid eyes (no lid crease): For some Asian ethnic groups, the lack of an eyelid crease is a common ancestral characteristic rather than always a developmental anomaly. As a muscle helps to generate the lid crease, plastic surgeons adjust the size of their lids. When they are born without a crease in their upper eyelids, people of Asian heritage may want to get double eyelid surgery for cosmetic reasons. The anatomy of the eyelids is modified by plastic surgeons to produce wrinkles that appear natural. The definition of the eyelid crease is improved by the procedure’s removal of excess fat or puffiness.
Check out 4 Lid Blepharoplasty videos that show Dr. Chia performing blepharoplasty on a healthy, 45-year-old woman.

Younger people are more at ease exploring their alternatives for cosmetic surgery and talking to family and friends about their decisions because they have grown up in a time where having plastic surgery is less stigmatized. The most recent procedure for eyelid surgery, laser blepharoplasty in Manhattan, NYC, is minimally invasive and requires little recovery time.