Scarless Arm Lift vs Traditional Arm Lift Surgery

A major aesthetic concern among women, upper arm fat and skin laxity are usually the result of weight fluctuations, natural aging, or heredity. Stubborn fat and loose, sagging skin under the arms are difficult to correct with diet and exercise alone. Today, NYC plastic surgery practices offer BodyTite, an advanced minimally invasive arm liposuction option. The BodyTite scarless armlift provides results similar to that of traditional arm lift surgery but without the scars and extended downtime. Scarless arm lift surgery in NYC delivers exceptional arm contouring results for women who desire slender, toned arms without the hassle and risks of surgery. Let’s take a closer look at this cutting-edge Scarless Arm Lift surgery or ArmTite and compare it with the traditional arm lift procedure.

Arm Lift

Traditional arm lift surgery, also known as brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure that creates a more aesthetically-pleasing look for your arms. This surgical procedure involves removing excess skin and contouring the connective tissues of the arms. Though traditional arm lift procedure provides effective results for flabby arms or dreaded batwings, it also comes with a highly visible scar running the inner length of the upper arm from elbow to armpit and extensive downtime. On the other hand, a scarless arm lift contours the arm similar to a traditional armlift but without long incisions, scars and extensive downtime.

Other major differences between these two procedures can be categorized into anesthesia, procedure and recovery. A surgical armlift requires general anesthesia as it involves creating a long incision for the removal of moderate amounts of fat from the upper arm areas. On the other hand, the BodyTite scarless armlift is performed using local anesthesia, allowing patients to remain awake during the procedure and they typically experience mild to no discomfort.

In traditional surgery, the incision is made on the inside of the arm or on the back of the arm, according to The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). The length and pattern of incision depends on the amount and location of excess skin to be removed. The underlying supportive tissue is then tightened and reshaped with internal sutures, and the skin is smoothed over to the new contours. In the final stage, the incisions will be closed with absorbable sutures or stitches which are removed within one to two weeks following the arm lift. In the scarless BodyTite arm lift which uses local anesthesia, only a single, small incision is made in the arm through which the device’s radiofrequency probe and cannula are inserted. Radiofrequency energy flows from the internal cannula to the electrode on the skin’s surface, where the heat is generated around the cannula tip. It coagulates the blood vessels and liquefies fat tissue, allowing the plastic surgeon to sculpt the arms with precision and accuracy.

In surgical brachioplasty, the plastic surgeon will tighten the underlying tissues and secure them with stitches. With its ability to safely and precisely heat the soft tissue that is being contoured, the FDA-approved BodyTite™ device is designed to provide superior skin tightening effects.
Along with efficient body contouring and uniform treatment, ArmTite also provides the following advantages:

  • Arm lift without scars
  • Significant skin tightening
  • Minimal blood loss
  • Outpatient procedure
  • Re-contouring effects are immediately visible
  • Less pain, swelling and bruising
  • Shorter downtime
  • Minimal discomfort and pain

When it comes to recovery phase, invasive procedures such as traditional arm lift involve a longer downtime and recovery period than the BodyTite scarless arm lift surgery in NYC. BodyTite comes with minimal downtime and recovery is less strenuous than the surgical arm lift. Patients usually return to routine activities soon after the procedure, as it takes just 30-45 minutes.

During the post-op period, patients are advised to wear a compression garment to control swelling. Surgeons will also recommend avoiding smoking before the surgery and during the recovery stage, as it slows down the healing process, leading to development of permanent scarring or infections.

So, overall, there are several factors that can influence a patient to choose either to undergo a traditional arm lift or a scarless arm lift. There are even non-surgical options such as the arm lift using InMode EVOLVE. With this non-invasive arm lift, there is absolutely no recovery period or downtime associated with it. Patients can return to normal activities immediately after this quick and painless treatment. Improvements would become visible in as little as 2 weeks after the procedure.

If you are considering plastic surgery in NYC to contour your arms, make sure that you choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice and that your procedure is performed by an experienced plastic surgeon specialized in the procedure. A reliable surgeon will recommend the best arm lift option to meet your aesthetic goals.

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