Start the New Year with Confidence: Consider Scarless Arm Lift

Many of us eagerly look forward to establishing new objectives, bringing about positive changes, and welcoming a revitalized self as the New Year approaches. For some, this could mean improving one’s physical appearance and restoring self-assurance regarding their physique. One typical concern you may have is how your arms look, especially if you want to wear sleeveless dresses. The upper arms could lose their suppleness and attractiveness as you age. Other reasons why upper arm skin can become sagging or flabby are weight loss, and heredity. Even with a balanced diet and frequent exercise, getting toned arms could prove difficult. Scarless arm lift surgery in NYC is a novel and popular cosmetic procedure that can improve the appearance of your arms.

Scarless Arm Lift

Scarless Arm Lift with BodyTite

BodyTite arm lift is an advanced aesthetic procedure much applauded for its capability to contour the arms perfectly. Performed under local anesthesia, this minimally invasive technique can remove and tighten the extra skin beneath the arms without leaving any scars, and downtime is also minimal. During the process, a precise quantity of radiofrequency energy is applied to the affected area in order to liquefy fat and tighten the skin without leaving any scars. Through a small incision on the upper arm, the plastic surgeon will introduce the BodyTite radiofrequency probe. The excess fat cells are quickly and gently liquefied by the radiofrequency energy, making it simple to remove it with a cannula. In order to help the surgeon mold the arms into the desired shape, the treatment concurrently coagulates the tissues and tightens the skin. The process leaves almost no scars and just a tiny incision.

Scarless BodyTite arm lift is a great option if your concern is loose skin and moderate sagging in your upper arms. You can also consider this procedure if you have excess fat in your upper arms. However, a scarless arm lift might not be able to sufficiently tighten your skin to get the desired results if you have a significant quantity of extra skin. A patient with saggy upper arms but still maintains a stable weight and high skin elasticity, may be a good candidate for this procedure. Recovery is quicker and simpler than with the traditional method, and downtime is minimal. Following arm lift surgery, it’s critical to adhere to your surgeon’s advice regarding exercise and other concerns.

Why Should You Choose Scarless Arm Lift and Not Traditional Arm Lift?

Invasive surgical methods are used in traditional arm lift to remove extra skin and fat from the upper arms. The incisions made around the back or underneath of the arms could cause obvious scars. Despite being successful in producing the intended effects, the possibility of these scars may make patients anxious. The minimally invasive in-office procedure scarless arm lift, provided using BodyTite technology, can melt fat without surgery and tighten the skin around the arms.

Traditional arm lift recovery is similar to what you would anticipate from any surgical procedure. It is recommended that patients take a fortnight off from work and ensure they get enough rest. In order to reduce fluid accumulation, drains are frequently inserted, and you’ll wear a compression garment for a few weeks to reduce swelling.

Your recovery after a scarless arm lift is easy and quick. Results start to show right away, but because your body is being pushed to tighten up and generate more collagen, the full effects might not show up for three to six months. It is recommended that you rest for a few days after liposuction and get back to your routine soon. However, you may experience some soreness, tightness, and bruising for a few days.

A scarless arm lift could be the ideal option for you if you’re thinking about improving the way your arms look and gaining more self-confidence this New Year. Consulting with a skilled cosmetic surgeon will help you to discuss your objectives, determine if you’re a good candidate for the procedure, and express any concerns that you may have.

Improve the appearance of your arms with Scarless Armlift Surgery in NYC.

Call 1-800-282-7285 to know more.

Making positive changes and investing in oneself is a great idea at the start of a new year. Scarless arm lift surgery in NYC is a great way to get youthful, toned arms and a boost in confidence.