Taking Care of Yourself After Tummy Tuck Surgery

Excess fat and skin in the abdominal area is a common aesthetic concern among men and women. A tummy tuck in NYC can address this issue. Also known as abdominoplasty, the procedure treats saggy skin in the tummy area that is usually caused by factors such as age, heredity, prior surgery, pregnancy and significant weight loss. Performed using FDA approved, minimally-invasive advanced liposuction devices such as BodyTite, Smartlipo Triplex and VASER lipo, a tummy tuck can remove unwanted fat and is usually recommended when diet and exercise cannot provide the desired results. However, even if the procedure is performed using minimally invasive techniques, it can take some time to recover from the surgery and patients should take care to follow their surgeon’s advice.

Tummy Tuck Surgery

To take care of yourself after tummy tuck in NYC, follow your surgeon’s instructions diligently:

  • Take proper care for the incision sites and drainage tubes in the days following surgery
  • Wear a compression garment as recommended by the plastic surgeon as it will promote proper healing, reduce swelling and also support the abdomen as it heals
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol as it can seriously inhibit your recovery
  • To help ease pain, take the prescribed pain medication and follow your surgeon’s advice on how to best position yourself while sitting or lying down
  • Limit strenuous activity for at least six weeks
  • Light activities are encouraged to prevent the formation of blood clots.
  • If needed, get assistance for childcare or other household chores, as squatting or picking up children (or heavy objects for that matter) for the first few weeks should be strictly avoided
  • Take few days or week off work after the surgery to ensure proper recovery. If you have a physically demanding job, it’s very important to take plenty of time off so that you don’t jeopardize your recovery
  • Inform your plastic surgeon if symptoms such as pain, redness and swelling take too long to resolve
  • Schedule and keep follow-up visits

Minor swelling and bruising are common after a tummy tuck, but will subside in few days. Though recovery time will vary depending on the type of tummy tuck procedure you underwent, in most cases, the recovery period ranges from 2-4 weeks. However, age and medical conditions are factors that can impact recovery.

Apart from the aesthetic benefits, a tummy tuck in New York offers functional benefits too. It can reduce common post-childbirth concerns such as back pain and incontinence. The functional improvements involve restoration of strength and stability in the abdominal and pelvic region as the operation includes repair of the abdominal muscle separation that can occur after pregnancy.

Tummy tuck results can last many years if you put in right efforts to maintain your outcome. As weight changes and pregnancy can affect the results, follow your surgeon’s advice and maintain a healthy lifestyle to preserve your results.

If you are considering a tummy tuck in NYC, choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice that has plastic surgeons who are skilled in performing the procedure. The right surgeon will be ready to answer all your questions related to the treatment and guide you in taking an informed decision.

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