The Ideal Candidate for Arm Lift Surgery in NYC

If you’re struggling with loose, flabby upper arms and find that diet and exercise aren’t providing the desired results, you could consider getting arm lift surgery in NYC. Also known as brachioplasty, the procedure removes excess skin and fat, and tightens and smoothes the tissue, resulting in slimmer, toned arms.

Arm Lift Surgery

Skilled surgeons use advanced techniques like Smartlipo Triplex (laser assisted), VASERLipo (ultrasound assisted) and BodyTite (radiofrequency assisted) to perform scarless arm lift surgery under local anesthesia. Compared to traditional arm lift surgery, these minimally-invasive options come with diverse benefits such as minimal pain, swelling and bruising, short downtime, and long-lasting results.

Who is an Ideal Candidate for Arm Lift Surgery in NYC?

Candidates for arm lift surgery should meet the following criteria:

 Arm Lift Surgery

As smoking and drinking can increase risk of complications, it is important to quit before the procedure. Wearing the compression garment as recommended can help reduce swelling faster. Though you can return to your daily routine quickly, your surgeon may advise you to not perform strenuous activities at least for 3-4 weeks or till complete recovery.

If you are considering arm lift surgery in NYC, consult a qualified plastic surgeon. After determining that you’re a good candidate, an expert will provide customized treatment to help you achieve, toned, sculpted arms.

Transform your arms with arm lift surgery in NYC!

Call 1-800-282-7285 to schedule your consultation with our plastic surgeon!