Things to know before considering a Brazilian butt lift in NYC

The Brazilian butt lift (BBL) has emerged as one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures for women.  It involves using your own fat to enhance buttock volume and shape, avoiding butt implants. A survey conducted on the plastic surgery website found that 88% of those who had this procedure felt it was worthwhile. Performed by skilled plastic surgeons, the Brazilian butt lift in NYC is a dual benefit procedure that improves the look of your buttocks while sculpting the areas from which fat is removed, providing attractive, natural looking results.

Brazilian butt lift

Enhance your buttocks with a Brazilian butt lift.

Call us at 1-800-282-7285

BBL has two components: liposuction and fat transfer. Excess fat is removed using liposuction from areas such as the hips, back, abdomen, and lateral thighs. The fat is then purified and injected into specific areas in the buttocks to enhance projection and symmetry. The areas of your body from which fat was removed will have smoother body contours. Many women prefer this buttock augmentation method as it eliminates implant-related risks. In addition, using fat rather than implants allows for greater precision and a more natural-looking enhancement. Your effects from the Brazilian butt lift should last for a very long period, provided that you don’t significantly lose or gain weight.


  1. Even women with a lean physique can undergo BBL: A BBL candidate typically requires some surplus fat for the procedure. Nearly everyone has some stubborn fat cells in areas like the love handles, abdomen, and back. This means that you can undergo this procedure even if you have a lean physique and achieve remarkable results. Regardless of your body type, a skilled plastic surgeon should be capable of devising a surgical strategy based on your body’s proportions, ensuring the creation of an ideal shape that appears natural.
  2. Evaluate before and after photos: Check the before and after images of patients on whom your surgeon performed BBL. While you might have a clear idea about the kind of shape you want, expressing your desires to your surgeon can be challenging. Assessing Brazilian butt lift before and after photos can help in this situation. Find someone with a body type that is similar to yours. Then examine the outcomes to confirm your initial impressions. You can then tell your surgeon that you want your butt and hips to exactly resemble that person’s, or you could describe what you like and dislike about that person’s results.
  3. Determine the donor sites: Before your consultation visit, it’s crucial to identify the areas of your body from which you always wanted to get rid of extra fat. In fact, where you want to get liposuction will be one of the topics you and your cosmetic surgeon will talk about during your BBL consultation. It’s best to have this under control before your visit. The plastic surgeon can assist you in making this choice and show you the areas of your body that can benefit from liposuction the most.
  4. Results take time to appear: After Brazilian butt lift in NYC, you’ll undoubtedly be eager to see your butt, but keep in mind that it won’t be visible immediately. After the procedure, you could instantly see a new shape. However, it can take a few weeks before the complete outcomes are visible. Once the swelling has subsided, you will see your final results. In the first few days of your recovery, avoid sitting on your bottom as much as you can for the best outcomes. Avoid vigorous exercise as well until your surgeon gives the all-clear.
  5. Results are permanent: BBL typically provides long-lasting effects. Roughly half of the extracted fat injected into the buttocks will be absorbed by the body and be there permanently. That fat will survive and flourish with a fresh blood supply just like your existing fat cells.

Ready to transform your body?

Contact us today to schedule your consultation for Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery in NYC!

For women who don’t want implants and have enough fat for liposuction, a Brazilian butt lift in NYC under local anaesthesiais a great choice. It is a safe, quick, wide-awake fat grafting surgery with few anesthesia-related side effects and minimum recovery time.