Valuable Tips To Reduce Swelling After Facelift Surgery

Post-operative complications such as swelling and bruising are unavoidable especially after a plastic surgery procedure such as a facelift in NYC.  Even if you had a minimally-invasive procedure, temporary swelling and inflammation should be expected during the recovery phase. These effects are the body’s natural response to change and will resolve as healing progresses.

Facelift Surgery

Depending on the extent of your facelift procedure and where it was performed, swelling may occur around the mouth, chin, or jawline. Generally, most of the swelling will subside in 3 to 4 weeks. While the swelling will go down naturally, there are some steps you can take to reduce the impact of swelling and recover smoothly following your facelift surgery:

  • Follow your surgeon’s instructions: During your facelift consultation, your plastic surgeon will review the basics of the procedure and assess your personal health to make sure you are ready to go under the knife. These precautions can prevent complications or setbacks in the healing process. The surgeon will also discuss your goals and expectations before scheduling the procedure and will give you post-surgical instructions and guidelines about facelift after care that must be diligently followed. Post-surgical instructions are designed to make sure patients heal properly from surgery and minimize side effects like swelling, inflammation and so on.
    • Review your post-surgery aftercare checklist with your plastic surgeons and feel free to ask questions if you are unsure about any points. The instructions may include:
      • How to change your bandages, clean and cover the treatment sites
      • Taking recommended prescription or over-the-counter medications by your surgeons that reduce inflammation
      • Avoiding certain list of medications, vitamins and supplements as these drugs that can interfere with recovery.
      • Information about staying hydrated and eating healthy diet: Make sure to eat foods that are easy to chew, since prolonged chewing can cause extra swelling during the recovery period.
      • When and how to exercise: Avoiding strenuous exercises and other vigorous activities such as heavy lifting, bending over, and straining your body in any way, and when to return to normal activities and exercise.
  • Keep your head elevated: Expert surgeons recommend elevating the head while lying down to avoid unnecessary pressure on the treated site. You can sleep with two pillows beneath your head or in a comfortable recliner with plenty of support.
  • Use cool compresses: People often use cool compress to help soft tissue injuries heal, and the same technique can be used by facelift patients. The cool sensation constricts the blood vessels and makes you feel more comfortable and might even feel a brief reprieve from any pain and discomfort. However, don’t apply ice directly to the healing skin or overdo cold compresses. Follow your surgeon’s instructions closely about when and for how long you can apply them.
  • Stay away from heat: Patients should stay away from all heat sources such as spending time outdoors, using heat lamps, and taking hot showers during the facelift recovery period.  While cold compress can suppress swelling, heat sources can increase blood flow to the area and make swelling prominent. So stay indoors during the recovery period and try not to overheat your body.
  • Quit smoking and avoid alcohol: Smoking or using nicotine products slows wound healing and increases risk of post-surgical complications. So, surgeons advise patients to avoid smoking several weeks before and after the surgery. Also, avoid drinking alcohol for the recommended period as it can open the blood vessels and aggravate bruising.
  • Stay hydrated and eat right: When healing from facelift surgery, stay hydrated and maintain proper hydration and nutrition.

Though these steps can reduce swelling after facelift surgery, the operative technique and the skills and experience of the surgeon also matter when it comes to recovering smoothly after any cosmetic surgical procedure. So if you are considering a facelift in New York City, choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice that has surgeons who have the specialized skill required to perform this procedure. An expert will provide guidance on post-op care to support smooth recovery and help you achieve optimal results.