What are the Best Minimally Invasive Procedures to Get During Winter?

Minimally invasive cosmetic procedures that involve minimal to no downtime are a fantastic way to look rejuvenated and brighten up your look during the holidays. With the summer season approaching fast, men and women are choosing plastic surgery procedures such as liposuction in Manhattan, NYC, and scarless arm lift to lose those extra pounds and look good in their summer clothes and beachwear. These procedures may require avoiding direct UV exposure during recovery, as too much exposure can hamper healing or undermine the results. As the days are shorter and cooler in winter, now is the time to consider these minimally invasive cosmetic procedures.

Minimally Invasive Procedures

Some of them are –

Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation surgery in Manhattan is an effective way to enhance breast volume and contour that is lost due to factors such as excessive weight loss, pregnancy, aging, etc. The procedure can also correct asymmetry, and recontour the bust line to a more attractive appearance. Plastic surgeons perform this procedure via breast implant surgery or through composite breast augmentation. Composite breast augmentation combines fat transfer and breast implants. This procedure provides a soft and natural look and feel to the breasts.

Scarless Breast Lift

Scarless breast lift or the BodyTite Perky Lift is a minimally invasive procedure that shapes, tightens and lifts the breast without the scarring associated with a surgical breast lift. Performed under local anesthesia, the procedure provides results without large incisions, or a lengthy recovery period. BodyTite uses radiofrequency energy to tighten the skin and promote the production of subsurface collagen fibers to help improve skin texture.

Brazilian Butt Lift under Local Anesthesia

Invented by leading NYC plastic surgeons Dr. Spero Theodorou and Dr. Christopher T. Chia of bodySCULPT in NYC, Brazilian Butt Lift under local anesthesia (BBLULA) is a safer option than BBL under general anesthesia. This relatively short procedure allows patients to remain awake throughout the procedure, heal faster, and get back quickly to their normal routine. For optimal results, it is important to choose a surgeon with expertise in BBL techniques.

Face Lift

Face lift in Manhattan, NYC can address diverse concerns such as mid-face sagging, lower eyelid creases, creases along the nose extending to the corner of the mouth (nasolabial folds), facial fat, jowls developing in the cheeks and jaw, and double chin. Minimally invasive and non-invasive facelift techniques are available to rejuvenate your face – without long incisions or scars. While minimally-invasive facelift procedures are performed using advanced modalities such as – BodyTite™, Smartlipo Triplex and VASERlipo, nonsurgical face lift is done using EmbraceRF.

Tummy Tuck

Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty in NYC is an ideal procedure to remove excess fat, tighten loose skin and weak muscles, and improve the appearance of the midsection. It removes damaged tissues, stretch marks and also excess skin in the lower abdomen below the belly button. Skilled surgeons perform this procedure using advanced body contouring technologies such as Smartlipo Triplex, BodyTite, and VASERlipo. Tummy tuck procedure done using these devices requires only local anesthesia. The procedure can help with effective fat reduction in the tummy area and thus provide an improved body contour.


Based on the key findings in the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Statistics 2021 data, 491,098 liposuction procedures were held in 2021, which tops the surgical procedures list, followed by breast augmentation and abdominoplasty. Liposuction is now performed successfully using minimally invasive and non-invasive devices. Minimally invasive liposuction options include laser-assisted Smartlipo Triplex, Ultrasound-assisted VASERlipo, and Radiofrequency-assisted BodyTITE.

Whatever procedures you consider, make sure to choose an experienced plastic surgeon to get optimal results out of the procedure. You should also have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure.

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