What Can You Wear after Arm Lift Surgery?

After arm lift surgery or brachioplasty, proper post-operative care is essential for smooth recovery and optimal results. One important aspect to consider when you are preparing for arm lift surgery in NYC is what to wear during the recovery phase.

Arm Lift Surgery

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 Clothing Options to Consider Post-Armlift

Here’s what you can wear after an arm lift surgery to ensure comfort, support, and the best possible healing process.

  1. Loose-fitting clothing: In the initial days following the surgery, opt for loose-fitting tops that are easy to put on and take off. Shirts or blouses with button-down fronts or wide-neck openings can minimize the need to lift your arms over your head, reducing strain on the incision sites.
  2. Front-closure bras: To provide support and minimize strain on your incisions, consider wearing front-closure bras. You can put them on without lifting your arms, reducing potential discomfort.
  3. Soft, non-irritating fabrics: Wearing compression garments is a crucial aspect of the initial post-op phase. These garments aid in reducing swelling, improving blood circulation, helping the skin conform to its new contours. Follow your surgeon’s advice on when and how long to wear these garments. During this period, wear clothing made from soft, breathable fabrics like cotton. Avoid materials that might irritate your incision sites, such as rough textures or fabrics that don’t allow your skin to breathe.
  4. Short-sleeved garments: Once you’ve progressed further in your recovery, short-sleeved tops can be more comfortable than long-sleeved ones. However, make sure they’re not too tight or restrictive.
  5. Avoid tight sleeves: Don’t wear clothes with tight-fitting sleeves or garments that put pressure on your arms. These can hinder blood circulation and impede the healing process.

Make sure to protect your incision scars from the sun’s harmful rays by wearing clothing with built-in sun protection or applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen. As you heal and gain more comfort and mobility, you can gradually transition back to your regular wardrobe. But listen to your body and your surgeon’s advice – don’t rush the process.

Remember, every individual’s healing process is unique. Consult with your surgeon for specific recommendations tailored to your situation. Wearing the right clothing after arm lift surgery can contribute to a smoother, more comfortable recovery and ultimately enhance your results.

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If you are considering arm lift surgery in NYC, it is crucial to choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery that has surgeons with extensive experience in this specialized field. These experts employ cutting-edge techniques, including minimally-invasive technologies like BodyTite, Smartlipo Triplex, and VASERlipo, along with noninvasive methods like InMode Evolve. These advanced approaches are precisely designed to address unique aesthetic concerns associated with the arms.

In a reliable surgical center, you can expect complete guidance from your initial consultation through the entire process, ensuring you’re well-prepared for the procedure. They will also provide comprehensive post-operative instructions to facilitate a seamless and successful recovery.