What is the Best Way to Remove a Scar from Arm Lift surgery?

Following a weight loss journey, your skin may not readily tighten to conform to your newly slimmed-down physique. This can result in loose or saggy skin, particularly noticeable in the arms, especially if the weight loss occurred fast. Arm lift surgery in NYC removes loose skin from the upper arm area and provides you with slimmer, well-shaped arms. The procedure can be performed using traditional surgical techniques or minimally-invasive methods. One common concern among most prospective patients is scarring.

Arm Lift surgery

Achieve the toned and sculpted arms you’ve always wanted without any scars.

Contact us today!

How is Arm Lift Surgery in NYC performed?

Brachioplasty treat issues like extra fat, saggy skin, and flabbiness in the upper arms. It is a practical alternative for people who want to tighten and contour their upper arms, when diets and exercise fail to provide the desired outcomes. In the conventional approach, an incision is made along from your elbow up to your armpit. After the surgeon removes extra skin and fat, and reshapes the tissue, the remaining skin is stretched tightly and the incisions are closed using stitches.

While your arms will appear trimmer and smoother, the incision will leave a long scar. Fortunately, plastic surgeons in NYC provide minimally-invasive arm lifts using advanced arm liposuction techniques that involve only tiny incisions which eliminate or minimize scarring:

minimally invasive tehnniques

  • Smartlipo Triplex: Cynosure’s Smartlipo Triplex body sculpting tool works with laser energy to contour the arms.
  • VASERlipo: The VASERlipo technology utilizes ultrasonic energy to precisely target the fat cells, sparing the surrounding tissues.
  • BodyTite: The BodyTiteTM device provides radiofrequency assisted liposuction (RFAL). It rapidly tightens and firms the skin in addition to eliminating extra fat, with little to no downtime or adverse effects. The procedure can tighten the skin up to 40% more than traditional liposuction. Due to the tiny incisions involved, the BodyTite arm lift is also known as the scarless arm lift.

Compared to standard surgery, these minimally invasive techniques involve smaller incisions and minimal scarring.

Want more information on the scarless option?

Read our blog on correcting saggy arms with a scarless arm lift.

Minimizing Scars from Brachioplasty

While providing the intended outcomes, experienced surgeons will focus on minimizing scarring. They carefully position incisions in less noticeable places, like on arm pit or in the natural folds of the skin. This aids in scar concealment and lessens their visibility.

Unlike traditional surgery, the less invasive methods provide excellent skin tightening without leaving any visible scars. They require only tiny, discrete incisions made in discreet places. These techniques require only local anesthesia and results are visible immediately. As they involve short downtime and recovery time, patients can resume their routine activities quickly.

Following the procedure, the treated area could appear puffy and bruised. However, these side effects will resolve as healing progresses. The general objective of minimally invasive techniques is to produce more aesthetically acceptable results with less scarring. It’s imperative that you adhere to your surgeon’s postoperative care instructions for the best possible healing and scar control. It’s important to note that healing time will vary based on individual considerations.

Tips To Minimize Scarring From an Arm Lift

Here are some tips to minimize scarring from an arm lift:

  • Avoid the sun exposure: Recently healed skin is more susceptible to harm from the sun, which can darken the scar. Use SPF 30 or higher sunscreen or cover up the scar with clothing when you step out.
  • Eat right: Proper wound healing requires a well-balanced, nutrient-rich diet. Eat foods that are high in zinc, vitamins A and C, and protein. These may reduce scarring and support effective skin regeneration.
  • Stay hydrated: Drinking sufficient water and healthy fluids will support the healing process and keep your skin smooth. Drink eight glasses of water or more each day.
  • Avoid smoking and vaping: These habits might impede the healing process and increase the visibility of scars. Consider giving up smoking or vaping before your procedure and avoid them while you heal.
  • Massage: Light pressure applied to the surgical site after it has closed up will help break down scar tissue and lessen its visibility. However, consult your surgeon before you attempt this.

Take the first step towards smooth, sculpted arms!

Call 1-800-282-7285 to schedule your consultation for arm lift surgery in NYC.

While your surgeon will focus on minimizing scarring, factors such as genetics, skin type, and adherence to postoperative care guidelines can impact scar formation. During your consultation for arm lift surgery in NYC, discuss your concerns about scarring. Your surgeon will provide more specific information based on your individual case. An expert can tailor the procedure to accomplish your desired outcomes, whether it’s to address loose skin, extra fat, or both – without leaving any noticeable scars.