What You Need to Know Before You Get Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast enhancement is a popular cosmetic surgical procedure that enhances the size and shape of a woman’s breasts. In general, this procedure involves the placement of implants under the breast tissue or chest muscle. For some women, breast enlargement is a way to feel more confident. For others, it’s part of rebuilding the breast after a mastectomy or other conditions. If you’re considering breast augmentation surgery in Manhattan or any other location, it’s essential to understand the procedure and your options.

Breast Augmentation Surgery

Transform your shape and boost your confidence with breast augmentation.

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Breast Augmentation: What to Expect

Here are some important things you should know if you are considering breast augmentation:


Breast implant size is one of the most important characteristics that determine the end result of breast augmentation. Breast implant size is measured in ccs, typically from 200cc to 600cc. Implant size choices is usually determined based on a combination of factors such as the patient’s anatomy and the nature of desired results.

Breast implant surgery in Manhattan is performed by qualified and experienced surgeons. The plastic surgeon will educate the patient on how each implant size will alter their unique physique. Many women want an enhanced appearance without the look of being overly (unnaturally) large. The surgeon will guide them on evaluating different implant sizes to see how each size will look. In leading plastic surgery practices in Manhattan, surgeons use advanced imaging technologies to help patients visualize their breast augmentation results. Additionally, patients can also ask to view various before and after images of previous augmentation patients with a similar body frame. These steps help patients make an informed decision.

Silicone vs Saline Breast Implants

The second big decision is the choice between saline or silicone implants. Saline implants are filled with sterile saline (salt water) which are filled by the surgeon after placement. This is convenient as it allows your surgeon to set the implants to get the exact desired outcome of the patient. Additionally, the incision necessary for placement is slightly smaller compared to what’s necessary for silicone implants.

Silicone implants are made with a silicone gel that is designed to closely mimic the feel of human fat. Silicone implants are placed in the body fully filled and generally thought to provide a more natural appearance and feel.

The gummy bear implant, medically known as a form-stable or cohesive-gel implant, is another option. It is filled with thicker silicone than traditional silicone implants. They are designed to mimic the natural slope and shape of the breast. The incisions required for these implants are substantially larger than those required for traditional silicone or saline implants. Additionally, the outcomes can feel more firm than comparable sized smooth round implants.

Ideal Implant

This structured implant, crafted from well-established and safe implant materials, provides a natural appearance and texture, all while maintaining the safety profile that saline solution offers.

Breast Implant incisions

There are four types of incisions for breast augmentation: transaxillary, inframammary, areolar, and trans-umbilical (TUBA). The most common ones are periareolar and inframammary. Periareolar involves an incision near the lower half of the areola, hidden well, often used with breast lift. The inframammary incision is made under the breast, providing good access for implant placement, especially suitable for silicone implants.


Women can choose between breast implants with a smooth surface or textured surface:

Smooth implants have a higher chance of displacement compared to textured implants. They tend to have a slightly lower rupture rate and last longer. Textured implants have a thicker shell than smooth implants, generally making textured implants feel firmer. They are designed to minimize capsular contracture.


There are two types of shape options for breast implants: round or anatomical.

Round breast implants have a symmetrical round shape. The round shape is beneficial as there is no malformation of breast shape should the implant move within the pocket. Round breast implants come in both textured and smooth surfaces. The final result of your augmentation will depend on factors such as your anatomy, the experience level of your plastic surgeon and the technique used to place the implant.

Anatomical breast implants were initially designed for the purpose of breast reconstruction, but are also used in cosmetic augmentation. Anatomical breast implants look oval-shaped when viewed from the front and appear to have more volume at the bottom when viewed from the side.

If you are considering breast augmentation surgery in Manhattan, choose a qualified plastic surgeon with extensive expertise in the field and provides services in an AAAASF-accredited facility.

Boost your confidence with a customized breast augmentation solution!

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