Lemon Juice for your Skin – Some Awesome Facts

Lemon Juice for your SkinThe health benefits of the lemon have been known for centuries. This simple yellow fruit has many antibacterial, antiviral, and immune-boosting powers, helps in digestion, and cleanses the liver naturally. But do you know that lemon juice can do wonders for your skin? Here are some amazing skin care properties of this ubiquitous fruit.

  • Applying lemon juice on age spots and scars and leaving it overnight can diminish the discoloration.
  • Worried about acne? The lemon’s natural antibacterial properties and citric content make it a great option to treat acne. Apply lemon juice on the acne and blackheads at bedtime and wash it off in the morning. Repeat for a few days till the acne disappears. A note of caution – if the acne is severe, consult your doctor.
  • Lemon juice used along with sugar is a great scrub as it removes the top layer of dead skin cells. Used regularly, it can help keep your complexion smooth, radiant and youthful.
  • Discolored or rough skin on your knees, elbows and heels can be treated with lemon juice. Apply it on the affected area and leave it overnight.
  • Moisturize dry skin – mix lemon juice, olive oil and honey in equal proportions and apply on the skin. Wash it off after 10-15 minutes.
  • Mix a few drops of lemon juice and a drop of almond oil to a teaspoon of honey. Apply the mixture on your face, leave for 15-20 minutes, and rinse off with cool water to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Drinking lemon water in the morning flushes out toxins and improves digestion, helping to cleanse the skin. It contains vitamin C which is needed for collagen production that keeps the skin smooth and supple.
  • According to the New Zealand Dermatological Society, lemon juice, with its citric acid and vitamin C content, may be useful to treat sun-damaged skin.

Take care to use this natural skin and complexion booster in moderation. Lemon juice can sting the skin, so dilute it with water before application. If it continues to irritate the skin, stop using it.